The Best Reasons to Visit Provence

By Danielle P

If you’re thinking about visiting Provence, you’ll have no trouble plenty of amazing things to do around France’s world-famous region. Everything is perfect, including the climate, beautiful landscape and of course, food and wine unlike anything you’ve ever experienced!

There really is so much to see and do in Provence, so where will you even begin? The first thing on your agenda should be a visit to some of the most impressive architectural feats in mankind’s history, including the Palais des Papes (the largest Gothic structure in Europe), Marseille’s Notre-Dame de la Garde and of course Fort Saint Jean for the amazing scale and workmanship.

palais des papes David Mark from Pixabay

Along your journey, be sure to visit the Calanques, gorgeous inlets that can be found along the coast. They can be reached by either hiking down from the top or finding a boat from either Cassis or Marseille.

Don’t forget to visit the Museum of Contemporary Art (NAMAC) in Nice to see some of Provence’s most famous artists’ work, including Matisse, Chagall and Picasso. When you’re done appreciating the fine artwork, you can go for an exciting swim in wild rivers, lakes and waterfalls, such as Lac Sainte-Croix, Pont Du Gard and Sillans La Cascade.

Throughout your travels in the Provence, you’ll notice that beauty is one of the hallmarks of this region. For centuries, artists have traveled here to witness the astonishing sky created by the Mistral winds coming from the Alps. Expect unforgettably strong Blues at dawn and dusk, for the best view you may ever witness.