The Ancient Splendor of Giza

By Jenny G

Giza, the 3rd largest city in Egypt, has a rich history dating back centuries. This history is what makes Giza such a popular destination for travelers. Here, visitors can view an interact with ancient human history up-close, experiencing a connection to the world of long ago. The city is located on the west bank of the Nile River. This area has served as an important political and cultural hub since the early days of recorded history. 

Giza’s important monuments share the spotlight as some of the oldest and most impressive structures in the world. The pyramids of Giza, constructed in the 26th century BC, are a testament to the ingenuity and might of Egypt’s past Pharaohs. The largest of the three is known as The Great Pyramid. The structure was once the tomb of King Khufu, a prominent Egyptian ruler. Giza is also home to the Great Sphinx. This massive ancient structure is not only a staple of Egyptian mythology but also entices thousands of visitors a year. The Great Sphinx depicts a lion bodied creature seated comfortably on Egypt’s natural landscape. 

Visitors can also tour Giza’s impressive museums. The Great Egyptian Museum houses a collection of stunning artifacts and fascinating information for guests looking to fully immerse themselves in Egyptian culture. The Solar Boat Museum is an excellent display as well. The museum is home to an ancient cedar barge found buried near the site of the Great Pyramid. Exploring Giza is perfect for history, art, and culture lovers alike and promises a deeper connection to civilizations from long ago.