The Awe-inspiring Iguazú Falls, Brazil, and Argentina

By Danielle P

Straddling the borders of Brazil and Argentina, Iguazú Falls is a never-ending chain of waterfalls that cascade down powerfully and quite noisily into the River Iguazu. One look at the hundreds of cataracts doing their magic high above you, and you will understand why they are considered to be one of the most awe-inspiring sights on earth. The rapid torrents of Iguazu have beguiled millions of travelers to Brazil and Argentina.

Known as the Cataratas del Iguazú in Spanish or Foz do Iguaçu in Portuguese, the cascades are 250 in number spanning about 3 kilometers across the borders of Argentina and Brazil in a vast national park thriving with wildlife and scenery. Once you begin to daydream about visiting the mesmerizing attraction, you have to decide between the two countries.

In Argentina, Cataratas del Iguazú allows you to experience two-third of the falls up close. There is a chain of boardwalks along one of the waterfalls, Devil’s Throat, that you can walk to revel in the mist, fog, and droplets of water. The experience is jaw-dropping and you can spend a couple of days to explore the falls, the teeming jungles, and wildlife in the Iguazu National Park. You can also take an ecological rainforest train to the top of the falls.

Brazilian side, Foz do Iguacu, might be small in size but the experience is just as fantastic. The highlight of the trip would be the glass lift that takes you from the deck to the boardwalk at the top. Stand at the edge of the walkway and look at the stunning panoramas ahead of you.