Commuting Need Not Be Tedious If We Look To Our Fellow Passengers For Comic Relief
Most of us have experienced it at one point or another. Riding on the subway can be a bore, but for some, it can be nothing short of death-defying. Imagine it: the doors fail to close and your face is struck by the cold evening breeze. There is no door between where you stand and the concrete, 15 meters below. Whether it be due to the transit authority’s mismanagement, electrical glitches, or the insensitivity of fellow commuters, there is a lot that has caught our interest on train rides. Naturally, the main attraction, front and center, are the passengers themselves, a variety of characters, some wondrous, some utterly horrifying. Below are more than a few wacky subway scenarios that are sure to amuse or appall the idle commuter.
Do You Even Goth?
It looks as though the very harbinger of death is taking public transit today. With the way she’s dressed herself, not to mention her feathered friend, she puts Marilyn Manson to shame; no one can go more Goth than this lady right here.
She dons a black attire and is attended to by a trusty raven. She seems to be camera-shy, with her head bowed and her eyebrows knit in deep thought of the coming of the end of days. Her demeanor is just about as disaffected as they come.
Dual Purpose
There are days we just want to ride the train in peace. Nobody had better dare talking to us, let alone glance at us. Sometimes, we can’t even stand seeing another human being — with or without the looming threat of coronavirus.
Turns out, masks serve a dual purpose. In a world before the pandemic, this lady was ahead of her time, and found a different use for that mask: allowing her to catch some shut-eye even while standing on the subway. It’s a good thing that migraines aren’t airborne diseases.
X Marks the Spot
Is it the north or the south? Which corridor should we pass through? It can be terrifying to use the train in a foreign country when the signages are a font too small, and you’re wading through people to ask instructions from a guard or an attendant. It’s just far too easy to be thrown off track.
What’s equally frustrating is being dismissed, or walked past when you’re asking a question. No wonder some of us are socially anxious. Have no fear, just wear the map like this guy. That’s just ingenious. We are saving this for future use.
Snakes On A Train
Yes, it’s annoying enough when people feel they simply have to bring their dog on the subway, especially when it’s crowded at peak hour, or if it’s been raining and that pooch stinks. But one look at this picture tells us: it could be worse.
We had better do as this man says; we just might live. Otherwise we might end up like Jon Voight in Anaconda, strangled with our skin melting off from its digestive juices. Okay, so perhaps that’s not exactly what’s going to happen, but notice just what a wide berth everyone is giving him.
Territorial Hog
No, guy, try again, because that’s not just intended to be your own private back scratcher. Believe it or not, yes, that pole on the subway is intended for public use. It’s annoying how tall people can easily grasp the straps; but perhaps it’s even more annoying when they opt not to.
This guy appears to be standing comfortably and he surely doesn’t seem to care what people think of the pole’s positioning. They could lend us some space every once in a while. You have to admire a bit of that gall for disobeying a sign right within his field of vision.
Sweat Absorber
Sooner or later, you’re bound to come across this particular type of sweaty subway passenger, especially if it’s hot out. But what you’re less likely to come across is his keen awareness of his sweat problem, and the solution he’s come up with.
We can tell it’s only the beginning of summer because he was just using a panty liner. Otherwise, people would just use napkins or diapers. We wonder what the brand was, and just how long that liner stayed put despite the sunny summer day.
This particular subway passenger here had better count his lucky stars that this subway car is relatively empty. Otherwise, it’s highly unlikely that anyone would tolerate him cramming this many plants onboard. Honestly, this is a power move, if anything.
Orchids, shrubbery, and trees, oh my! This plant daddy clearly couldn’t be bothered to make separate trips to the nursery, but it seems like onloading and offloading this entire greenhouse of plants is going to require more than just two hands.
Cabbage patch
There are some strange old wives’ tales out there. We’ve even heard that sleeping with an onion in your sock is a good way to heal a cold. Can you imagine the smell? Our partners won’t be too happy to lie next to someone who stinks of onion.
Well, it looks like this lady knows of some other dodgy uses for vegetables. We are not quite sure why she has a cabbage leaf on her head, but it must be for a good reason. Right? Or maybe we are being too optimistic, and this is just yet another strange person on the subway.
Do you know that strange feeling you get when you see one of your teachers outside of school, and you realize that they actually have a life? For some reason, we all expect teachers to live at school and do nothing but teach.
That is how we feel about this picture. Seeing someone dressed like our favorite video game character is completely normal at Comic-Con. However, it is kind of creepy to see that character in a subway with an arm sticking out of its mouth.
Safe Anchorage
It’s hard to grasp the metal bars or the straps when there’s an obvious height deficit. What are you to do when there’s nothing to hang onto so you don’t lose your balance? What if you don’t want to touch anything because everything’s swarming with bacteria?
The cut-off is around 5 feet tall. We won’t always have the luxury of securing a spot on the pole unless we’re ready to pick a fight with the commuters entering and exiting the carriage. So here’s a handy idea: bring a [clean] plunger. It’s convenient, affordable and exclusively yours.
At the beginning of the lockdowns and restrictions, many of us complained about mask-wearing. Some people found it annoying, while others claimed they couldn’t breathe with one on. However, as time went on, it became second nature to have a mask on.
Not only have people embraced the masks, but they have also found a way to make them work in their favor. Like this woman, for example. She wants to nap but doesn’t want to miss her stop. We just hope a good samaritan honors her request.
Jenga Olympics
Different people deal with the long commute in different ways. Some catch some z’s, and others read books or listen to podcasts. This guy plays Jenga. He has decided that he has had enough of being bored during the long train ride, so he brought his own entertainment.
He even remembered to bring a table to play on. We are just impressed that he managed to assemble the game while being jostled by the other passengers and the moving train. It takes major skill to play Jenga in these circumstances, so kudos to him!
Dr. Evil Afoot
Chances are, if there was a supervillain on the subway with you, they would go by unnoticed. But there’s simply no mistaking this one, hiding in plain sight. No wonder he never gets caught. He has made the subway his underground lair.
You’d best hope he keeps himself entertained with that phone the whole time so he can’t busy himself with…evil. He had better have a premium access to Spotify, because when “Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset. And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset…people DIE!”
This one isn’t weird, but seeing a guy put in the effort to reconcile with his girl is worth passing the time. Whatever happened, clearly he hasn’t had the time to get some fancy stationery, so he’s just working with what he’s got at hand.
We hope she said yes — if not for him, then for those glorious toppings of cheese. The real question is: is that pizza just for him, and he’s going to tear off that sign to show her, with no connection to food? Or is he giving her the box to open on her own?
Having A Ball
If you’ve never been to New York, you might think that this is commonplace in the subways there. The Big Apple is known for having the best pizza in the States, so it seems reasonable to assume that there would be pizza boxes strewn all over the subway floor.
However, this is not just any pizza slice. This is a pizza ball. We have no idea how this even happened, but we bet the rats that live down there are not complaining. Perhaps the Ninja Turtles left their dinner behind. Michelangelo won’t be happy about that.
Sorry, Didn’t See You There
Honestly, what are the odds that you would buy a shirt that matches the furniture pattern on the subway, let alone that you would wear it while you’re on public transit? This surely calls for a photo opportunity — not to mention that he’s cute!
We love a man who cares about the way he dresses that he even complements the subway seats. Even better, you know that shirt is bound to be about a million times cleaner than the seat, so he’s a safe bet to go with.
As far as bizarre clothing choices of the passengers we see every day on the subway, this fashion decision is rather tame by comparison. He seems to be well-acquainted in the manners of taste around the city, and we’re here for it.
But we wouldn’t want to take after his steps as a food enthusiast. We only eat meat, not the leather hide. We have to say that these look super comfy, but seeing as they appear to be house slippers, would you really want to track all that subway grime in to your home afterwards?
Comfort Food
On our myriad rides on the subway, we’ve encountered our fair share of people who just can’t wait until they’re off public transit to scarf down their snacks. Sometimes, these snacks seem a bit…eccentric, or even messy or inconvenient to be having on the subway.
Some people prefer to munch on a granola bar, while others will make their way through a packet of potato chips. This lady has chosen to snack on some good ol’ mayo. Hold the buns, greens, and meat. Would seeing this on the subway make you as nauseous as it’s made us?
Have the messages been sent? Is there a fresh batch of chocolates? Because this subway car in Moscow seems to be the Hogwarts Express. The funniest part is, they’re not even in costume or anything. They seem to be surprisingly nonchalant about this whole situation.
Of course, everyone who would come across this extraordinary sight would certainly be absolutely dazzled. How often do you get to see an owl up close and personal? What about multiple ones, all there chilling with you as you go about your daily commute?
Sorting Hat:
We thought muggles weren’t supposed to know about the magic at Hogwarts. Here, again, we have an instance of students revealing the truth about what goes on at the school of wizardry. Clearly, this is the modern version of The Sorting Hat, and this student has stolen it and is making his getaway on the subway.
In all seriousness, what is going on here? Perhaps this person is a germaphobe and is taking the mask-wearing to a whole new level. Or maybe they have social anxiety and prefer to remain anonymous. Either way, we hope he is getting some air in there.
Signature Please?
As far as celebrity sightings on the subway go, we are more than happy to settle for someone like Adrian Grenier. How can a demi-god with his immaculately framed face, green eyes, and chiseled body just stroll into a train and lounge with us mortals?
We hope he alights the carriage at the same time we do. The real question here is, assuming you just so happened to stumble across this hunk in the middle of your commute, would you even know what to say to him in the first place?
Philosophy, Anyone?
The old art of passing time on public transit by reading a book is becoming obsolete in the age of endless scrolling on smart phones, so we have to give credit to those who refuse to let this practice die out.
Fifteen minutes is enough time to finish a chapter of a short story or a self-help book. We can engage in this existentialist monologue of our lives’ work, purpose, or whether or not holding a fart can kill us? Yeah, you’re not alone.
Self-help Snooze
Speaking of books, sometimes we’ll find ourselves reading a self-help book that changes our lives. Most of the self-help books in the store are utter garbage, but on the odd occasion, we get lucky and find something that is truly helpful.
This lady has clearly found a self-help book that is working wonders for her. And so quickly, too! Either that book is wonderful and has great tips, or it is so dull that she fell asleep. Either way, it worked! A win is a win.
Hold Tight
We only like to see Spider-Man coursing through the city, while shooting webs as a safe anchorage, but from the safety of our theater seats. We would never want to be one spinning out, and reeling into the concrete pavement — so close the doors!
On a transit operation, the train encountered a mechanical glitch. The doors refused to close just before the train left the station, and that was nearly a 10-kilometer stretch where all carriages had their doors open! Yikes! Thankfully no one was injured.
Familiar Faces?
It’s the most annoying thing to have your curiosity aroused all in vain. You excitedly follow your aunt, or visually-impaired friend, to get someone’s autograph — only to realize that this person they’ve been tracking is not, in fact, a celebrity.
We have to hand it to this subway passenger, however, as he truly does have a striking resemblance to a certain man named Stark. Frankly, he clearly knows who his doppelgänger is, as he’s arranged his facial hair and wardrobe accordingly.
Harp On
Imagine this: you’ve just had a long day of answering phone calls and unnecessary meetings, and your nerves are feeling a bit fried. You just want to pop your headphones on and chill out on the subway home. But, as much as you try, you can not block out the sounds of the guy singing and playing his out-of-tune guitar right next to you.
This has happened more times than we care to remember. However, we might feel better about subway musicians if they played the harp. It is such a relaxing sound. Just look at the guy next to the harp player. The magic of the harp has certainly worked on him.
No(se) Way, José
Get ready to be truly grossed out. As if being stuck in a sealed car with amateur musicians and buskers wasn’t bad enough, this guy has thought of a way to make it totally nasty. If you’re a flautist, you would understand how disgusting it is to disassemble your instrument and watch the saliva trickle down one end.
Now, imagine having a whole bunch of snot to go with it. You’d always have to be carrying your handy dandy tissue. We would prefer that this up-and-coming artist sticks to the conventional means of playing the flute. It sounds the same either way.
Carry Me
This one would do well on a Friday night. Just make sure you have a sober buddy accompanying you, one who has a strong arm to hold onto that dead weight they’ll be pulling, someone who will not lead you astray as you’re conked out.
We wish we had our mum with us too. She can whisk us away on a luggage bag because our feet can’t endure the stiletto-high heels. That, or we would be too drunk to realize that it’s our friend dragging us out of the club.
Common Courtesy
In Japanese culture, it’s considered impolite to talk on the phone while in public spaces. So it’s most convenient for workaholics to step out and use that gangway connection between the subway cars. They can have a group meeting at ten!
Honestly, we wish this idea would catch on a lot more widely. We’re so tired of listening to people who feel they simply must use their time in the subway car to yack on the phone and force us to listen.
It’s a bummer not having your phone to swipe right on, or to listen to music to when it’s running low on juice. We automatically scan the scene for sockets to plug our chargers into. Of course, sometimes they’re just located in the most inopportune of places.
But this arrangement right here is just a falling hazard. On second thought, we have no idea just how crucial that phone could be for him right now. He might actually need to contact someone who’s in an emergency situation.
Murder, She Typed
There’s a fair chance that you rarely think about just how many bacteria are all over your smart phone, and all the different things you touch throughout the day that are transferred to it. But this here is some crime-scene-investigation material.
Is she keeping that phone free from her fingerprints? Is that even hers, or perhaps it’s her partner’s? Has she wound a rope and brought some liquid detergent to rid the blood? We can feel the hair standing at the back of our neck.
Fill-in the Picture
Barf. That’s the only thing that’s lacking in this picture. He’s kneeling down, with his face expecting the bowl to greet him, and he’s clenching the sides of the seat to keep his dinner from re-introducing itself. There’s just one teensy problem.
That is no toilet right there, sir! Hopefully, he’ll just pass out and sleep through his sickness, and spare the rest of us poor passengers from the sight, sound, and smell. That sleep has got to be the most comfortable one yet (not).
Animal Rights
That lady on the right is summing up precisely how we feel through her facial expression. This atrocious outfit being foisted on that defenseless pooch is why there are animal rights. We’re more than a little bit horrified right now.
Someone has got to tell her to set that dog loose. “Animals surely deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation”. What’s exploitative in this picture is that the dog looks more like Elle Woods than her. We’ve bent — and snapped.
Night night
Look, the daily commute can be long, hot, and tiring. After a long stressful day at the office, the last thing you want to do is sit in a sweaty container with a bunch of strangers for 45 minutes. But, alas, the bills won’t pay themselves, so you have to make the commute.
If you are going to be on the subway, you might as well make it comfortable, right? This guy has the right idea. He has set his hammock up and is taking a nap. By the time he reaches his stop, he will be feeling well-rested and energized. Good for him.
Dinner date
As we said before, the daily commute is long. In addition to feeling tired, you might also start to get hungry. Perhaps you were too busy to eat lunch, and now you are counting down the minutes until you can scarf down some dinner.
There is an easy solution to that problem. Just have dinner on the subway. You’ll also have the added benefit of having multiple dinner dates. They might not know that they are your date, but it’s better than eating alone in your cold, lonely apartment, right?
Bubble Boy
Long before the lockdowns, there were plenty of people out there who felt an obsessive need to protect themselves from germs, and some of them just didn’t feel like a simple face mask was enough. This guy here took things to the extreme.
We think this guy here is on the way to the church. He just might be able to stop Chloe’s wedding, get out of the suit, and spend a minute holding her. That’s better than the eternity of not doing it. The camera pans out as he collapses.
In Time
Sure, it’s a total pain in the butt when you’re rushing on your morning commute to work only to realize that you can’t go through the usual mindless motions of taking public transit because your card for the metro has run out of fare.
But we’re willing to bet you didn’t get a message quite like this. Remember that scene in In Time where Olivia Wilde dies just a meter away from her son because she had run out of life currency — in time? We don’t need to be denied access because we know we’re dead inside. That’s just unhelpful.
Manners Maketh a Man
We have to give this guy right here a hand. He’s not inconveniencing anyone, and he’s even given us all the courtesy of keeping his shoes on so we don’t have to whiff what he’s hiding in them. This is the only acceptable way to sleep on the train.
The train ride is too short for anyone to be carrying their luggage around and long enough to take a nap. That cabin is best for dozing off in, without worrying about proximity. That being said, if you’re sleepy, who’s going to have the dedication to climb on up there?
On the Market
Found on the floor of a subway station, amidst the receipts and the pizza rats, is this surprisingly clean personal ad, taped down, forcing you to confront it. It’s as if people simply felt too bad for him than to trod over his bold printout.
Being single isn’t all that bad, but someone has got to teach this lonesome soul what Tinder is for. He seems lost. Instead of being asked out on a date, he’ll probably end up being listed as a missing person.
Snoop Dogg
Coming across this passenger made us stop in our tracks, because he’s just so doggone cool. If Calvin Broadus Jr., also known as Snoop Dogg, were a real-life fuzzy canine who rode the train, he would definitely look like this.
That bag he’s chilling in looks almost like it could be his very own leather jacket, zippered pocket and all. Not to mention, that dog sure is patient to keep those glasses on his head. Either way, this dog’s got his master to thank for that fly ride.
Cooking in Advance
Some meals take an hour to three hours to cook — that’s excluding the preparation time. So wherever this lady is on her way to, clearly she’s not on time and is just trying to get a head’s start. Honestly, we’re impressed she can keep steady and flat.
She’s as productive as those chefs come when saving time. Soon, she can bring a stove on board to boil those onions in too. Wonder how the passengers around her feel about the smell — or if their eyes are tearing up?
Sleep Lines
Sleep lines all across your face are just a giveaway. It could be from your pillow’s zipper, the imprint of a band, or a train’s metal seat. But they all look ridiculous, and you can’t exactly iron them from your face to make them go away faster.
This lady has come up with the perfect solution to catch some shut-eye without leaving any telltale signs of it. It’s a good thing that she found a comfortable way to balance with the base of gravity against the rod. Bravo, ma’am!
Be Gone, Satan!
We’re willing to bet that there were plenty of passengers in this subway car whose eyes had been kept so focused straight ahead or down on their phone screens that they didn’t even notice the craziness that was going on overhead.
We’ve run out of holy water for this one. If we see her on the train, the first thing that would come to mind is Emily Rose — more like Emily Run. We don’t know what demon befell her but we pray that it be gone!
Devil Wears Gucci
Some folks out there treat riding public transportation as an occasion to see and be seen, and that includes the accessories they take with them. So what happens if your accessories aren’t as glitzy as you would like for them to be?
Channeling Miranda Priestly? With a marker? How groundbreaking. It may have nothing to do with us, but that marker filtered down through department stores and then trickled on down onto some tragic countertop where this woman no doubt fished it out of some clearance bin.
Hey, not everyone we come across on the subway has to be bad or gross. One of the most enticing of creatures you could find on the subway is the hot guy reading. The only insulting thing here is that we’re left salivating without anyone ringing a bell.
Think the Kennedy version of Brendan Fraser. He seems to be engaged in the last few pages of Phil Knight’s memoir. We wouldn’t mind reading the same book if it increases our chances of success with him. Please make eye contact!
If the Bottle Fits, Wear It
Meet the bottle people, coming soon to a subway car by you. Everyone has been scared of the coronavirus contagion. Although the means by which it is transmitted is still under study, donning glasses and masks would do as a precaution.
As if Bubble Boy didn’t seem impractical enough, there’s these intrepid folks. It’s amazing how this duo has managed to reach the coach and breathe inside a plastic bottle with an inch of space. That’s a different level of consciousness.
Needle In A Haystack
When we’re running late and wisps of hair cling to our sweaty brows, we need the train to go ‘pronto’. Catching the train at the last millisecond is life-saving. We could care less if, say, a man’s extremities are sliced off just to keep the whole train of commuters from arriving late.
Cramming into the subway car at peak hour is sometimes a necessary evil, but it’s rare that our posterior ends up being the problem keeping the train from going. Not so with this gentleman, who’s apparently got quite the cakes. Maybe, he should be more sensitive. What an ass!
Cool Trick
We’ve come across all kinds of creepy characters during our many rides on the subway, but we’re counting our lucky stars that none of them looked quite like this. That’s one hell of a look! We just might jump out on the tracks, if he catches us by surprise.
Welcome to eternal damnation; this guy is right there as your conductor. Is it smelling more than a bit sulfurous in this subway car, or is it this guy? It sure is getting hot in here, and he’s surely going to be fanning the flames.
Manners Please
We understand how important it is to maintain good grooming, but the key is to do it in private. Sure, you don’t always have a tissue on hand to clear out your nose. But this kind of behavior is just downright nasty.
Even if he’s taken the courtesy to spare us the sight of him picking his nose with his bare finger (horrors!) and is employing a tool, it’s still cringeworthy. This is why littering is prohibited on board. Hopefully, his nose hairs aren’t as long as his head hairs.
Pets Are Allowed
Hasn’t he heard yet? Pets are allowed on the train. He doesn’t need to look so forlorn about sneaking onto this subway car. That being said, even Chewbacca himself is looking like he could go with a bit of a trim.
Seems like all that time in quarantine without a barber really has taken its toll on him, not to mention not having Han Solo around anymore to keep him company. We just wonder what’s it’s like to try and type on a small smart phone screen with those ridiculously fuzzy paws.
Saw a Centaur
The subway seems to be where all the mythical creatures converge; even Chewbacca has made an appearance. So, we are not entirely surprised to see a centaur making his way into the subway. What we are surprised about is that this is a Zebra centaur. Don’t see many of those walking around.
In all seriousness, we have so many questions about this costume. First of all, it must be so difficult to navigate in small spaces with that costume on. Secondly, surely he should be charged for two seats. That centaur behind does take up a lot of space.
Doodle Doo
Have you ever seen those “hacks” online that are more trouble than they are worth? Take this lady, for example. Instead of just tying her hair up with a hair tie, she has used a pen to create a cool twist hairstyle to keep her hair out of her face. Sounds fine enough, right?
Well, no, it is not fine, and now she has doodles on her back. As silly as this looks, it might not be that bad. Sure, those behind her might have a giggle about it, but she won’t see it. Can’t be embarrassed about something you don’t know about. As they say, ignorance is bliss.
Pod Problems
Just like some of the useless hacks we mentioned, some “innovations” are worse than the original product. A prime example of this is AirPods. Look, we understand that it is convenient to be able to move around without being hampered by earphone cords.
However, AirPods are so easy to accidentally throw in the wash or misplace. They are constantly popping out of our ears, and now we have another thing that needs to be charged. This guy has come up with a handy solution to the pods popping out, but perhaps he should just invest in headphones.
Holler At Me
Behold! It’s a rare sighting of none other than Samuel L. Jackson, trademark Kangol cap and all, right there on public transit. We can hear practically hear him just by looking at this pic, yelling one of his most famous lines.
Enough is enough. He has had it with this m********ing service on this m********ing train. Everybody strap in, he’s about to open some f*** routers. If we do as he says, we just might live. We’re inclined to listen to whatever he demands.
Work It!
When we’re in the mood for a little voyeurism, we would hope to see someone like Keanu Reeves offering us a seat. But we can do with a little parade from time to time. This is just one of many scenes captured during the annual occasion of riding the subway in your underwear.
Thanks to Kim K having broken the internet, a ‘phat ass’ is all the rave! These guys certainly received the “no pants on Wednesdays” memo. Everyone around them is taking absolute pains to not make eye contact — or cheek contact, for that matter.
Fashion Baby
While you are bound to encounter more than your fair share of strange behavior on a subway in cities like New York, Paris, or Milan, you are also sure to see some amazing fashion. These cities are filled with ultra-cool people making daring outfit choices.
Take this lady, for example. She decided to forgo the “match your shoes with your bag” rule and decided to match her bag with her dinner instead. The ridiculous part is that this bag probably costs thousands of dollars, but the same look could be achieved with a box of pasta and some old chains.
Something Fishy
As cool and hip as some of the outfits are on subways in metropolitan cities, sometimes the fashion is just silly. Take this lady, for example. She has paired a long flowy skirt with blue tights and fish shoes. That is certainly…a choice.
However, we get the feeling that she doesn’t care about our opinion. Anyone who leaves the house dressed like that must be very secure in themselves. In all honesty, we admire her bravery. Perhaps we could take a page or two from her book.