New And Innovative Ways Of Using Everyday Objects We Didn’t Know Till Now

By Praseetha N

So much is going on without us noticing. Similarly, so many products have been manufactured for purposes we do not know of. Be it a need or a mere commodity, the time when we will have known basic life hacks has arrived. Take, for example, Lady Gaga. We did not know that fresh slabs of meat can be used to walk on the runway. But that has definitely got our attention, we hope the following list will get yours too. From quick ways to chill your drinks, to preparing your clothes the night before so you’re ready the next day, these quick life hacks will help you live your life efficiently and with less hassle. After all, most people want to take less time performing tasks at home, and we’ve got your back.

Fast Way To Chill Your Drinks With A Wet Towel

Imagine this, you have guests fast approaching and you have a couple of sodas that you forgot to chill. You could either put them in the freezer and then consequently have a mini explosion in your fridge — or you could try this hack instead.

Image Courtesy Of Onedio

Simply wet the bottle you want to chill and then wrap a wet paper towel around it. Now, you put that bottle in the fridge and in 20 minutes you’ll have a perfectly chilled soda all ready to serve — minus the explosion.

Cookbook Holder

Cooking is all fun and games until you have your fingertips oily and you really need to turn that page to recipe you’re cooking. No one needs a remake of Rachel Green’s holiday trifle. So here’s a tip that will help you solve that sticky situation.

Image Courtesy Of Familyhandyman

The solution is so obvious, and yet so brilliant. Simply grab a hanger with clips and clip your cookbook, with the page of the desired recipe open. And hang your new contraption on a knob that will make it easy for you to read.

Keep Frames From Moving

Every home is adorned with frames on the pictures on the wall and sometimes those frames move, either from kids or pets or even adults jumping about and bumping into the walls. So what you want is to keep them steady or else risk them falling and smashing to the floor.

Image Courtesy Of

The tip here is to put dots of hot glue behind the frame and wait for them to dry. Hang your frame back on and you will notice the frame steady. The glue acts as friction and will keep it from swaying too much.

Prop Up The Keyboard

Most of us use our keyboards for many years, and the feet of the keyboard end up either worn down or have straight up gone missing. If you’re looking for a way to prop up your keyboard for easier typing, we promise this hack will help you out.

Image Courtesy Of EHow Hacks/YouTube

Find some binder clips that you can sacrifice and take the metal wires off of them. Then, you will want to place the clips inside the holes that the original feet of the keyboard used to be, and that’s it.

Just Duct Tape It

We aren’t really sure why there are so many jar hacks out there, but perhaps it’s because opening jars is a universal problem. But, hey, at least we now have multiple options to work out if plan A doesn’t work.

Image Courtesy Of Instructables

For this jar hack, you’re going to need some duct tape. You will then need to wrap the tape halfway around the lid and fold it only on the lid. Once that is done, do a quick pull while holding the jar steady. This should help the lid dislodge easily!

Meal Prep

This life hack is more common sense than an actual hack and we’re pretty sure a lot of people do this already. But hey, if you’re new to this then this hack is for you! It’s called cooking in bigger portions or meal prepping.

Image Courtesy Of

When you find a day where you can cook a meal, cook extra portions for a couple more days. That way, when you come home after a long day, you can just pop it in the microwave or oven and have a healthy meal.

Spring Clean Your Pots & Pans

Cleaning out your pots and pans can get just so messy and tiring. They are bulky and its almost impossible to scrub all that black gunk that is staining the bottom of the pan. And that is precisely why this hack will save you loads of time and energy!

Image Courtesy Of Pinterest

Simply take whatever pan or pot you wish to clean fill in some water, a bit of soap, and about 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Bring it to a boil and when you lower the heat, whatever is stuck on the bottom will come right off.

Accomplish Tasks The Night Before

Like they always say, “never put off ’til tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well”. This adage rings true for this hack. Mornings are usually a bit of a rush, especially if you have little ones, pets, or another person to care for. So you’ll want to have an efficient way to get things done.

Image Courtesy Of Trainright

Consider this, get it done the night before. It may seem so obvious, but just see how it changes your rhythm for the better. Whether it’s sorting out what to wear, or what to pack for lunch or even what to take into the office, put it out and in plain sight.

Save The Tin Foils

Let’s face it, tin foil sheets are annoying to handle. We seem to always be locked in a struggle with them, trying to rip them properly. They are slippery, they rip easily, and they sometimes decide to free fall onto the floor by themselves and we need to cut off the dirty piece.

Image Courtesy Of

But they are also super useful to keep food warm or to keep leftovers. So here’s a neat little trick to keep those rolls intact. You simply need to push the tabs in instead of taking it out on its side.

Forget The Iron, Go For The Steam

Have you ever gone to bed and forgotten about ironing out a shirt that you needed the next day? Well, haven’t we all. And that’s precisely why this hack is perfect to get out of those tricky situations and get yourself looking as crisp and presentable as possible with little effort,

Image Courtesy Of Putthison

This is especially great for those mornings where you are in a rush but also need a nice hot shower. Spritz a little water over your shirt and hang it in the bathroom while you shower. Close the window and get that bathroom nice and cloudy, and allow the steam to take care of the rest.

Hoodie Reminder

Having the naughty habit of being constantly forgetful can be a nightmare. And if you’re someone who is constantly forgetting your to-do items, we are pretty sure it can take up a lot of time when you remember it later.

Image Courtesy Of Amazon

Well, fret not! We have a hack for you. When you’re about to head out or if you remember what you wanted, write it down on a paper, roll it up and tie it to the strings of your hoodie. You won’t be able to miss it!

Beeswax Your Shoes

If you own shoes like every other person on earth, you’ll know keeping them clean can be beyond impossible. And if you have white shoes on, oh boy is that a nightmare to scrub clean. The slightest speck of dirty will send you into a tizzy.

Image Courtesy Of Moreremonta

Well, what you can do instead is coat your shoes with a layer of beeswax. After that you’ll want to take your hair dryer and set it to the highest heat and blow until the shine disappears. And done! Water and dirt-proof shoes!

Repurpose A Pringles Jar

Pringles are a great snack and most households have them in the pantry. However, most households also throw them away when they are done. That’s a big ‘no’ from us. We suggest you repurpose them to make your life easier.

Image Courtesy Of

Instead of tossing them when the chips are all gone, use those iconic tall cans to store plastic bags. We know for sure that most of us have heaps of plastic bags that we store haphazardly around the house. This will help you organize.

Invest In Color-Grabbing Sheets

Separate your whites from the colored clothing. That’s something our parents have told us growing up and something we all practice in this day and age. However, as the time we have increasingly becomes less and less, do we really want to use it separating and doing different loads of wash?

Image Courtesy Of Lifehacks/Reddit

No, is the clear answer. So, we suggest you pick up some color-grabbing sheets for your next mixed wash. These sheets will soak up any color that your garments may release, leaving the rest of your garments safe from getting bled on.

Run It Under Hot Water To Loosen Lids

It is safe to say that opening a jar is an Olympic sport. Okay, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but it does feel like an Olympic victory after we manage to crack it open after 30 minutes of blood, sweat, and tears! Or, even more humiliating, we may just need to accept defeat and ask our partner for help.

Image Courtesy Of

Here’s a handy tip so you don’t have to get carpal tunnel from just trying to retrieve a dollop of jam. Run the jar under some hot water for about 30 seconds, which will cause the lid to expand. Use a cloth to avoid scalding your hands.

Skin Rejuvenation

Wait! Before you consign that tea bag to the trash, consider reusing it. Place the used tea bags, or expired ones, in boiling water and wait for 5-10 minutes. This weak brew can condition your hair or rejuvenate your skin, especially if it is green tea.

Image Courtesy of Tea How

If you want to go a step further, just tear open the bag and pour its contents over your skin. It can be used as an exfoliating alternative while you lounge in the tub and listen to some Zen music. 

Easy-Peasy Clean Up With A Blade

Stoves always take the brunt of our meal-making shenanigans. Spills and oil stains happen. Moreover, let’s be honest and say not everyone is hardworking enough to wipe down their stove tops after every meal. Sometimes our hunger is what takes precedence.

Image Courtesy Of Apartmenttherapy

Unfortunately, that also means that those missed stains harden and get harder to take off! Well, what we can do here is to keep a razor blade handy in the kitchen (preferably out of reach and sight of kids). Use the blade to scrape off the crusts and stains.

DIY Hand Sanitizer

Getting ahold of sanitizer is increasingly hard since there is a pandemic happening around the world. People get panicky and start hoarding which just makes it difficult for others to get some. Oh well, we can’t keep groaning about it but we can DIY something ourselves!

Image Courtesy Of KCRW

The ingredients for this may just be lying around your house, and it’s so simple to make this alternative alcogel. Here’s how it works. Get a bottle of Everclear and some aloe juice. Next, mix the two well and voila! Your very own hand sanitizer!

Selfie Camera As A Mirror

Brace yourselves, people, because backward-facing cameras are more than just for taking selfies. They are useful tools when it comes to handling difficult spots in our home. Take, for example, the godforsaken no-fly zone otherwise known as the back of our computer.

Image Courtesy Of mkbhd/Instagram

It’s always a struggle to plug anything in without having to move a bunch of stuff. This is where you use your selfie skills. Use the camera like a mirror to see exactly what you’re doing. Of course, you can also use this for yet another unchartered territory: the back of the TV!

Spoons For Stubborn Jars

Here’s another how-to-open-a-jar tip because jars are a nuisance, but we love them because they look good and are environmentally friendly. However, at times they can just be so very hard to get open and tend to hurt our hands.

Image Courtesy Of Pop Sugar

And what’s more, for this life hack to open a stubborn jar, no hot water is needed. The tip here is to use a spoon. Just use it as a lever to pry open the lid and you will never have to hurt your poor palms again

Write On Your Fridge

This may not sound like the best of ideas at first, but before you cross it out, just read on. You know how when you open your fridge to check what’s in there to write out what you need to stock up? Well, what if you could have something easier?

Image Courtesy Of Frugal/Reddit

First off, make sure your pen isn’t a permanent market, of course. After all, we won’t need to have soy milk or eggs every week. To make things more organized, you can choose different colored pens for other days of the week.

DIY Luggage Tags

Airports are either fun or a nightmare. Fun when you are heading to your destination, but not as much fun when you can’t locate your bag or they are stuck somewhere in a pile or worse; someone mistook your bag as theirs!

Image Courtesy Of

Here’s a way to ensure your transit is easy. Make fun tags that are unique and can be spotted from a mile away. For example, some people make mini pompoms or tie multiple bright ribbons around the handle of the luggage.

Mix It Up

Candy is at once the best and worst food to ever exist! We love the way they taste but we hate what they do to our bodies and if you’re like most people, you probably enjoy snacking while working or watching TV.

Image Courtesy Of ninesmw

The problem here is having too much at a time. So we suggest you mix four or five different candies in one jar. This will stop you from your usual habit of grabbing a handful and shoving it into your mouth.

Organize Your Cards

Ah yes! Cards. No, not birthday cards. We’re talking about digital cards (credit cards, ID cards, gift cards, etc). Those things can get pretty disorganized and take up quite some space, leaving your purse super bulky. Here’s a pretty nifty trick to sort that right out

Image Courtesy Of Chicago Tribune

All you’ll need is an individual card holder, a key ring, and a hold puncher. Put your card into groups: gift cards into one card holder, ID into another, and your credit and debit cards into another, and punch a hole in the card holder. Finally, just put them together!

Use Laundry Detergent Pods For Your Dishwasher

If you have a dishwasher at home, chances are you use either the dishwasher detergent or the pods. If you are nodding at the detergent, we suggest that you switch to using pods, because they’re just so much easier to handle.

Image Courtesy Of Amazon

However, if you were already using pods in the first place, there could have been multiple times where you searched around your laundry area looking for those tiny things! So here’s a tip. Keep them in a place where you can see them.

Remove Your Ice Tray For More Ice

Sometimes we get up in the middle of the night looking for something cold to drink but the ice is gone. Or, perhaps you’re just someone who uses a lot of ice. Either way, here’s a hack to make sure there’s always going to be ice cubes all year round!

Image Courtesy Of Fridge Detective/Reddit

You’re going to be smacking your forehead when you realize how easy it had been all along. All you have to do is remove the ice tray and the fridge will automatically keep producing ice! How’s that for a hack? Sometimes the easiest solutions require far less work than we had ever imagined.

Bypass The Captcha

The Internet has been around for forever. And those avid users probably know and are very familiar with the “I’m Not A Robot” captchas. You click on the box and then are presented with an inane amount of boxes that ask you if you see a traffic light in them.

Image Courtesy Of Uproxx

So, if you feel like this is just downright annoying, we have a tip. When you click on the captcha box, just keep holding it down and you will easily bypass those questions. They’ll never know that you really are a robot. Beep boop!

Lists With Metal Clips

Do you realize that we are all creatures of habit? As a result, our grocery lists are all too often the same. Well, with that in mind, here’s a way to save you some time from writing things down again and again

Image Courtesy Of davidbakker

First, get a clipboard and clip your chores or grocery list to it. On each item place a binder clip. And when you’re done with a chore, simply flip the clip so that the metal hold covers the item. Time to get organized!

Substitute Ice Cubes With Lemon Rinds For A Zesty Drink

So what is the usual way we all get around to beating the heat in the depths of the sultry summer? Lemonade! While we all love a cup of lemonade, watered-down lemonade is just nasty. So instead of using ice cubes, use these tricks instead.

Image Courtesy Of

Slice up some lemon wedges or other citrus rinds and freeze them. You can substitute ice cubes with these. They will keep your drink just as cold, and you won’t have to worry about letting your lemonade sit for a bit longer.

DIY Plastic Bag Box

We all hoard plastic bags and why not? Reduce, reuse, recycle, isn’t it so? But when we hoard, usually there isn’t a proper place to store them. So what you would do is fold them into tiny knots or triangles and keep them in the drawer.

Image Courtesy Of Thriftyfun

Here’s another way to store them that makes way more sense. Roll them up from one end to the other and place them in a tissue box. That way, you’ll be able to get the plastic bags easily, like you would a tissue.

DIY Shell Scooper With Egg Shells

Eggs are a great source of protein and super easy to whip up. The recipes are endless and they’re cheap as well. However, it can get a little messy if you use too much or too little strength to crack the egg open. Sometimes, you may even get pieces of the shell in there.

Image Courtesy Of

Fret not, this tip will help you out. Gone are the days you will have to play tag with that stray bit of shell, because all you need to do is take the empty half shell and scoop the broken pieces out of the eggs.

DIY Tweezers On The Go

Anyone knows that tweezers can truly be a life saver. Whether you missed a spot shaving that morning, you got a stubborn splinter, or a stray eyebrow hair pops up out of nowhere, this hack will save you your face.

Image Courtesy Of LifeHacks/Reddit

Not many of us carry around tweezers all the time, because why? Anyways, all you need are three coins of the same size. Place them on of each other and move the middle one a little back. Voila, you have yourself a merry little tweezer! Cool, huh?

Multifaceted Dishwasher

A dishwasher does more than wash your dishes, and is in fact multifaceted. You can save loads of time cleaning other stuff than just your plates and mugs. However, like dishes, giving the other items a good rinse would do some good as well.

Image Courtesy Of Popbela

You can actually pop into your dishwasher such everyday items as your canvas sneakers, garden tools, flip flops, and many more. Because let’s face it, not everyone has the time or patience to sit around wiping their shoes all the time.

Another Jar Hack (Why Not?)

We swear this is the last jar hack! We just needed to put this in because it works almost all the time. The reason why your hands just can’t get the lid to pop open is that there’s just no friction and so your hands just slide right off!

Image Courtesy Of mujerde10

So you don’t want to use a spoon, or hot water. That’s fine, there’s yet another sneaky way to pry off that lid. What we suggest here is to use rubber bands. Wrap two rubber bands around the lid, which will give you a nice grip to easily open it.

No Ruler? No Problem

Sewing is a pretty handy skill to pick up. It’s fun, therapeutic, helpful, and you can create all sort of crafts with it. Plus, it is useful for when you need to mend your clothes or hem those pants that are a bit too long.

Image Courtesy Of do-slez

On the other hand, it can be a tad tricky to get things done fast when you’re constantly having to measure every few seconds. Well, the trick here is to use your fingernail as a measurement tool, like the image above.

Invest In Herb Scissors

Cooking can be a chore if you’re not one who enjoys it. Plus, when you don’t have the right tools, the whole thing can get pretty annoying pretty fast. You’ll take up so much time prepping and cleaning rather than cooking.

Image Courtesy Of Amazon

When it comes to herbs, it can get difficult to dice and slice, as they are sold in bunches. That’s precisely why we are highly suggesting, for your peace of mind, that you get a pair of herb scissors and you’ll be done prepping in no time!

Organize By Color

Getting organized seems nice in theory, and looking at all those Pinterest decorating ideas of clean tidy rooms does get you itching to do something about that mess, doesn’t it? Well, here’s one way to help turn that dream a reality.

Image Courtesy Of

Next, you’ll want to sort out your wardrobe by color and type. So for example, you want the reds and then the blues, yellows, blacks etc. And then you’ll want to go with the function of the clothing: formal, home, sports, party etc.

Undo Superglue With Salt and Water

Superglue is a life saver for when you need to fix something up really quick. But that life saver could end up turning into disaster right quick, as when you stick it on to the wrong place, it will never come off easily.

Image Courtesy Of Fave Crafts

Here’s a way to easily pull of something that you have accidentally superglued together. Simply pour some salt on the glue and then pour some water. This will cause the glue to come loose, allowing you to pull it the things apart.

Baby Hack For Doors

If you have a little one running around, chances are they can get into a bit of trouble. There’s plenty of things around your house that you’re going to need to babyproof to keep them from hurting themselves. And you most definitely do not want them shutting doors.

Image Courtesy Of

Another problem is if you are ever lugging heavy furniture, you would probably benefit from keeping the door open. Here’s a way to help you with that. Get a couple of rubber bands and make sure you cross them over at the latch to ensure it doesn’t shut.

Make Less Mess While Shaving

We think most men have an issue with cleaning up after shaving, and the women in their lives are probably just as fed up with stubble everywhere. So men, here’s a little tip to save you time and effort in the cleaning front.

Image Courtesy Of MenchTech

Grab a plastic bag from the kitchen, preferably one that can cover your sink. And when you’re shaving, just make sure you’re placing your face directly above the sink so that the bag can catch all the stubble. It’s practically a no-brainer!

Sweat Stains Be Gone With Water and Lemons

No one, and we mean no one, likes sweat stains. They look downright nasty and they ruin perfectly good clothes. However, whether we like it or not, they can happen even to your favorite shirt, and getting them out is no easy feat either. So here’s what we do.

Image Courtesy Of hellonest

We aren’t sure why this works, but trust us when we say it does. Just take a little bit of water and lemon juice and rub it on the stains. Allow it to sit for a few minutes before handwashing the garment. And that’s about it!

Organize Business Cards Through Pictures

Here’s a fun hack that even this writer uses. This is useful if you’re someone who collects a lot of business card and actually wants to keep them and reference them from time to time. All you’re going to need is your phone.

Image Courtesy Of Donniewelchpoetry

When you get a business card, immediately take a photo of it and compile it into a single folder on your phone. That way, when you need to look for it, all you have to do is swipe, and just recycle the cards as you go rather than hoarding them.

Emergency (Dry) Shampoo

This next hack will either have you grimacing or running to the store to get some. Either way, just hear us out first. This hack will save you lots of time, especially in emergencies. Invest in using dry shampoo more often.

Image Courtesy of FabFitFun

Dry shampoos are a great alternative for those days you have to skip out on washing your hair, and also if your hair is looking a little limp. However, do keep in mind you’ll have to wait 24 hours before you can wash your hair.

Stress Free Bath Time For Furbabies

Bath time with the doggo is always a struggle. What turns from gentle cooing turns into a full-on criminal chase trying to get them into the bath. Well, we know that all too well which is why this hack if foolproof! The trick here is to create a distraction.

Image Courtesy Of Healthy Paws

What you want to do is smear peanut butter or something your dog enjoy onto the bathroom wall. You’ll want something that will stick on a little longer, of course. So why Max is busy licking the treat, you can work on getting him cleaned!

Easy-Boiled Eggs With Baking Soda

Hard-boiled eggs are a nutritious snack and are a great addition to just about any meal. They’re full of yummy goodness and they’re relatively easy to cook. It takes barely 20 minutes of your time. However, the trying part here is trying to pry them out of their shells!

Image Courtesy Of MenchTech

Here’s a tip to avoid having to peel all those teeny tiny shards of shell. Next time you want to boil the eggs, just add in a teaspoon of baking soda. This doesn’t affect the taste but it will help the shells come off super easily!

Ironing Buttoned Shirt The Easy Way

Ironing is never fun. You spend so much time doing the job, and it’s not like you can multitask while ironing. But the worst thing to iron is going to have to be buttoned down shirts. The buttons always get in the way and it’s so hard to maneuver around them

Image Courtesy Of Alyceparis

Honestly, this chore doesn’t have to be as difficult as you’re used to it being. Here’s the tip: turn that shirt inside out and you’ll see that the iron will easily glide over it and you will still get that crisp shirt that you wanted.

Keep Your Bobby Pins Safe

Any female or male (hey, we do not judge here) knows that bobby pins are the cousins to hair ties. No matter how many you have, you’ll end up with just one or none. It’s extremely frustrating especially when you desperately need a couple.

Image Courtesy Of LifeHacks/Reddit

This hack is so simple you’ll wonder why you hadn’t thought of it before. Know that metal holder you use for your paper towels? Take a tiny magnet and slap it on. Then, attach your bobby pins to that magnet. They’ll probably still go missing, but not nearly as much as before!

Battery Check!

Batteries are usually laying scattered around the house and we tend to forget about their existence until we need them. It’s a sad life for batteries, really. So, how do we know if the batteries we have are actually still functional?

Image Courtesy Of YouTube/BuzzFeedVideo

Here’s how. Hold the battery, negative side facing down, a few inches from a flat surface and drop it. If it stands, then it’s still good, and if it falls over like a dead man, then it’s time to toss it.

No Tissues? No Problem

Having a runny nose is one the most annoying things to ever happen to us, especially when you do not have a tissue in sight. Here’s what you need to do. First, take a deep breath and just let it all out.

Image Courtesy Of Sprigs Of Parsley

Next, hold your breath once you’ve expelled the air. Then, you’re going to have to look up and down like a slow nod. It will take a while but hold out for as long as you can, and once you let go, you will see that your nasal passages are much clearer!

Emergency DIY Torch Light

A sudden blackout is not fun for anyone, especially when you feel something furry brush against your leg and you don’t have a pet. You’re trying to find your big torchlight and realize the battery is dead and you don’t have new batteries.

Image Courtesy Of Lessislessxx/Twitter

What we suggest you do is that you get a water bottle and fill it with water. Next, you’ll want to use any source of light either from your phone or from a mini torch light. Place the bottle over the light and you will have yourself a lantern.

Can’t Wait

If you’re running late for a meeting, and you don’t want to see Summer on the elevator, try this! It is an emergency services hack to deliver you to the floor your boss is waiting on, pronto! After landing the elevator, hold the “door close” button until the doors bar entry and exit into the car.

Image Courtesy of Kelly’s Unnecessary Blog

Without releasing the door close button, simultaneously hold the number of the floor you want to get off on. Either do it with both hands, you octopus, or have someone help you. Goodness knows you have luggage on one hand, café drinks in another, and the close button at two opposite sides of the pole.

Cooking With Tea

So you think you’re fancy. You’ve graduated from plain old tea bags to going fully loose leaf. But all those soggy leaves are just going to waste. There’s actually a different way you can repurpose them even after you’ve brewed your tea.

Image Courtesy of Tea How

Place the tea in a bag then place the bag in the refrigerator. This inhibits the growth of bacteria and other pathogens. You can place it within a boiling pot where pasta or rice is being cooked for a novel tinge of flavor.

Plant Fertilizer

But wait! Does flavoring your food with used tea leaves not sound like…dare we say…your cup of tea? Well, you had still best wait before chucking them, because there are even more uses you can get out of those leaves.

Image Courtesy of Pixbay

If you do not want to take any chances because of the mild odor emanating from the used tea bags, you can use the contents as a plant fertilizer. Either mix them in with the plant-soil or place it as a top coating for your recently germinating plants. That will give them sufficient nutrients!

Odor Neutralizer

Okay, so you’re tired of all this talk about loose-leaf tea, so you’ve gone back to those tried and true traditional tea bags. Are you ready for what we’re about to tell you? Yep, there’s more than one use for those, too!

Image Courtesy Of

Place them on a clean dish or basin and have them completely dry under the sun. Make sure that you press the bag to evaluate content moisture. Afterwards, place them in shoes, to neutralize the odor within. Try lemonade, peppermint, or green tea!

Life Hack: Carts

That grocery cart has a lot of uses. It can be used as a detention fort for your kid, or a sleigh for the child inside you. And those metal loops don’t just support your child’s back or keep him from falling in the pothole.

Image Courtesy of luxuryaaabags

Those are meant to hang your light, fragile items on. Simply place your tray of eggs or loaf of bread in a bag, and hang it on the loop so they stay intact. This way you will not have to worry about getting those snacks all smushed together.

Life Hack: Tires

Sure, the mixtape is lit, and you’re enjoying the freedom of the open road. But don’t forget to check in with your vehicle from time to time, too! One easy way to check the functionality of your tire’s tread is by inspecting the wear indicators.

Image Courtesy Of carsfirst

These differ from one brand to another. An example is a narrow strip of smooth rubber across the tire’s tread groove. If the tread groove’s edges are even with the bumps, then have it replaced for everyone’s safety. If the tread’s edges are slightly above the indicator, then there’s enough friction the tire will tolerate on your cruise.

Held in Place

You’ve always played with it with your thumb, but we’re willing to bet you never actually took a moment to figure out what that tab on the top of your soda can is really meant to be used for. That pop can tab can function as a straw holder. Simply turn the holder over the hole and place your straw in it.

Image Courtesy of Shareably

Now you can sip in the comfort that the straw is in place. You do not have to break eye contact with your date, nor do you have to use your peripherals just so you can look cool while guessing where the straw is with the tip of your tongue.  

Bottle Cap

No one is crawling or playing around the door cabinets, but you have still been given a child-proof bottle for your medicine tablets. These handy guys are perfect for keeping your pills well out of reach of young, curious hands.

Image Courtesy of Midlyinteresting/Reddit

When your patience has worn thin or when your hands are occupied, you can still do away with pushing or squeezing the cap, while keeping the integrity of the contents intact. Simply turn the cap over, and screw it like you normally would atop the bottle. The standard threads will seal the contents therein without child-locking it in place.

Grooves on Keys

From a young age, we grow accustomed to knowing that few things can be quite as satisfying as hearing the clatter of your fingers typing on the keyboard. It’s strangely soothing. Music to the ears. Text for visuals. Productivity for satisfaction.

Image Courtesy Of DeviantArt

But rarely do we actually take the time to get a closer look at our keyboards. You will notice that, on more recently designed keyboards, there is a groove on the letter’s “F” and “J”. That way, geeks, nerds, and gamers can easily identify where to place their index fingers, and dispatch the rest of the men.

Cap’n Cut

Surely you’re acquainted with the kind of knife below, likely to be found in your tool box. We do not want you to nick your fingertips while helping your daughter for her school project. But those cutters have a safety feature on them.

Image Courtesy Of WittyFeed

That cap is meant to be used while breaking off the tip of the blade. Pull the cap off, slide the blade down, then insert the dull edge into the cap. Break across the line by slightly bending the blade. Voila! You have got a sharper razor blade!

Shampoo At The Scalp

Oil isn’t all that bad for your hair. It helps lock in the nutrients from your hair products and keeps it soft and shiny. But just in case your hair start to feel too sticky and grimy, shampoo your way from the scalp to the roots.

Image Courtesy Of Business Insider

Hair sebum, or oil, is produced and released from the scalp, so that is where it is most likely to pool up. The foam formed within should be enough to cleanse the remaining portion of your hair. That will save you money, and keep enough oil for a bouncy feel.

Condition The Ends

Conversely, apply conditioner in the old, distal ends or tips. That is the part you usually inspect for split ends. This is the part that needs the most conditioning, because somehow you or your stylist blow-dries or irons this area a second more than the other hair segments.

Image Courtesy Of Reddit/lmg080293

The scalp is the area that least requires conditioning, so by the time you will have had gotten to it, there will be just an ample supply to massage your scalp with. Have you been scrubbing your hair incorrectly all along?

Test Runs

So you are out on a run and you have come across a beautiful shirt, blouse or pair of pants. You try it on, pick the right size, and run it through the cashier to have it bagged. As you’re storing it away, you encounter the small bag containing the extra button and a square inch of cloth.

Image Courtesy Of Reddit/Bacon8r3000

That button is for emergency purpose, just in case you ate too much of that mac n’ cheese and the front-liners are having trouble holding down the fort. But the matching fabric is meant for testing out your chemical products on- say, fabric conditioners, bleach, stain removers, detergents, and the like. This way, you won’t ruin your blouse or second-guess what product is effective.

Rusty Metals

Here’s a household tool you likely would never have considered in the first place: Coca-Cola! Everyone’s favorite soda’s secret ingredients can do more than give us a sugar high. Try soaking a wedge, thread screw bar, or metal gear equipment that is rusty in a cup of Coke overnight.

Image Courtesy of intothegrain

By daytime, you’ll have had observed that it’s been rinsed clean and it looks spotless, like you had just bought it a decade past. Rinse it under clean water and grease away so you can work tirelessly in the garage. You can even use it to cleanse silver, then buff dry.

Clogged Drains Are Gone With Coke

Just in case your head is still spinning from realizing that Coca-Cola has more purposes than just being a drink, brace yourself, because there’s more. Coke can also help you bust through that stubborn clog in your drain. About two liters of Coke will do.

Image Courtesy of Coke/Youtube

Have it cool down to room temperature, unscrew the lid, then pour over the sink drain, or the toilet bowl and leave for two hours. The phosphoric acid will break down the materials clogging the drainage. Afterwards, pour hot water to flush out the debris sticking to the tunnel walls.

Prevent the Clumps with Mascara

Clumps, be gone! Just looking at clumpy lashes makes us afraid to touch you lest we smear it all over your face. We understand that you want to exhaust the contents of that tube, but having to pump the wand in and out will cause it to dry out faster.

Image Courtesy Of

You are pushing air into the container and every time you screw it shut, the air inside dries out the liquid contents. You will end up with more flakes and clumps on your eyelashes. Now get out there and flaunt those lashes properly!

Coasters On The Go

When dining out, they will hand you the plastic-lined cup and place a lid atop it. You will notice it has several ridges. When you are hanging out at your meticulous friend’s house, or your girlfriend’s home, you can use the lid as an alternative coaster.

Image Courtesy Of

Place the lid with the outer side facing upwards. Then plant your cup securely over the ridge. You will know you have done it correctly when the bottom of the cup matches the ridge of the lid. Keep those rings off your wood table!


Those pavements are not colored differently for the sake of aesthetics. Just in case you were never taught to keep right, or if you conveniently forget it, that colored lane is to keep cyclists in one place and away from pedestrians, so that both groups can keep moving happily and safely.

Image Courtesy Of Twitter/@BlykoPaving

Now that you know this, you’ll be noticing this when you go abroad in all streets! You won’t be able to un-see this in your mind’s eye. If only people weren’t so sunk into their phones while walking, maybe they would notice it, too!

Changing Plates

That nub below the plate can change how the stapler wires will come out. Just push it upwards, twist the plate until it fits snugly into the hole, then staple away. This is apt for stapling paper more securely. This is why you are more likely to end up with a torn edge when you’re unfastening the staple clips.

Image Courtesy Of Shareably

This outward-facing staple is apt for stapling documents unto a board. You may also use this when the stapled documents are meant to be unfastened sooner or later. You do not have to bring a stapler remover. Simply lift one end of the staple and pull on the middle part. The whole piece will easily slip out.  

Counting Bands

Your audio jacks all look familiar, but when feeling Holmes-like, to learn your jack’s true purpose, count the number of bands on each. You will know what functions a particular jack serves based on the number of bands between the pins.

Image Courtesy Of

If it has one band, it is likely this jack is used for guitars and other instruments. The jack connects the audio signal to a speaker while allowing a return for path and ground. Think Mono Audio. Sound will only emanate from one speaker if the jack is connected to a two-speaker system.

Meaning Of The Bands

If it has two bands, then your audio jack is intended to allow a stereo audio experience. This happens because there are minute differences in soundwave delivery between the right and left earphones. Sound will emanate from both rights and left speakers.

Image Courtesy Of headphonesty

If the jack has three bands, then this has an added microphone feature. Of course, you have the usual functions with it as well, left and right soundwave delivery, and recording on both channels. Bet you had never thought to look that closely at it!

 Jerry Cans

You were too excited about camping out and sleeping under the stars to notice this one. That is okay, you’re forgiven. Go to your garage and inspect that jerrycan. You will see it has a triple-bar handle running from front to back.

Image Courtesy Of

 You can choose to carry it by yourself, when you are feeling heroic like Clark Kent, or play the damsel with a friend, by even distribution of the load. Both of you will hold each external end to share the burdens of camping. Just make sure to walk in tandem so that carrying won’t amount for nothing.

Pest Away

No wire hangers, ever! The only way to know your wooden hanger’s material is to put them to the test. They were made to repel moths and bugs when you store away those unfashionable tweed jackets or heavy leather jackets for months on end.

Image Courtesy Of The New York Times

Those hangers are as durable as they are well-scented, and it’s precisely that scent (in particular, cedar) that is going to keep those pesky bugs from munching on your favorite clothes. But they do come at a steep price. We’ll take many, please!

Single Serving

Dinner for 6? Have the pot ready, fill it with water, turn the knob, and place a spoonful of oil. You don’t want to go overboard because there is not enough room in the refrigerator, but you do not want to serve disproportionately amongst the guests.

Image Courtesy Of yaplakal

Measure that pasta using your spaghetti spoon. Grab a handful of noodles, and place them within the hole, until they snugly fit. That is one serving. Release and repeat for 6, or 7, because you might need a midnight snack.

Nightly Drive

It is annoying to have those high lights reflected in your rearview mirror, not to mention it can be dangerous. What can you do? You can’t really honk at him, nor can you alternately flash your low and high-lights to tell him something’s up.

Image Courtesy Of The Mirror

But there is a way to let that guy behind you know he’s blinding you. Simply press down the tab of your rearview mirror to deflect the light downwards. Win-win! No road rage for you, and no unwilling victim by the shoulder.

Name Your Jar

So many of us have decided to buy matching jars for all our spices and condiments and then spent time looking into your coffee wondering if we had just hurriedly pour salt of sugar in. And it was definitely one of the more unpleasant ways to wake up in the morning.

Image Courtesy Of Alibaba

Consider this: just take a moment to label your jars. Get out those sticky labels or even double sided tape and write down the contents. You’ll never have to worry about mixing up your spices again, and you can even make them look elegant, if it strikes your fancy.

Keeping It Cool: With Beer Bottles!

We know you look cool with your hands by your sides, your feet wide apart and pointing outwards, and your chest all puffed up. You are taking up space and all. But when you’re gripping the beer bottle by its bod, angled slightly towards your crotch — that’s how you lose the cool.

Image Courtesy of YouTube/Tasty Recipes

Its long, thin neck is designed to keep the temperature low for a longer period of time, than the stouter, beer bottles. Ever noticed why you consume the “fatter”-bottled beer more quickly than the tall-necked ones? You are beating the heat.