Kids Who Are So Rich That We’re Gonna Need To Invent A New Word To Describe It

By Gary G

From private jets and vacations every other month to designer duds and indoor pools the size of baseball fields, rich kids really do seem to have it all. Not only do they have it — but they also tend to flaunt it. We mean, in all seriousness, who could blame them? We’d definitely be showing off our Louis Vuitton bags, too! And that pool? Totally deserving of a few million likes on social media!

The “rich kids of Instagram” hashtag was trending for a good period of time, and the regular kids – like well, all the rest of us – we were lapping it up! And as the trend grew, it left its nest and migrated…to Snapchat! Here are a few of our favorite “rich kids of Snapchat” posts.

Family Reunion

Whether you love or hate your family reunions, it’s always interesting to see how many people show up. When your reunion is held at a public place, parking can quickly become an issue – especially if every member of the family drives an expensive car that deserves two parking spaces.

image credit: Phxdriven / instagram

Here we have a great example of what happens when the entire family rolls up for the family reunion. In this case, though, the whole family is what we’d consider to be a “rich kid”, so it’s probably safe to assume that the reunion is going to be an absolute hoot.

Knives Are For Peasants

Knives were invented for a good reason. We can’t imagine how our ancestors cut their toughest cuts of meat or spread their butter without them; they’re something that every kitchen has multiple of (often in a variety of shapes and sizes). Rich kids are no exception to this — after all, what else would they use?

image credit: Kaxu/Reddit

Apparently, they’d use a sword if a knife wasn’t available. Although we can’t understand why knives wouldn’t be around when a sword would, it’s not too hard to see the appeal of cutting your dinner with an expensive, collectible sword.

Too Big For My Back Pocket

When something is too big, the first idea most of us get is to try and make it smaller. Your ice cube is too big for your water bottle? Melt it! Cereal is overflowing from the bowl? Take some out! The answer to the “it’s too big” problem is pretty simple.

image credit: Recklesszim / instagram

In this case, though, we’d be just as conflicted as this kid was. He’s likely thinking about how unfortunate it would be to have only $1,000 instead of $1,500 to spend at the mall – but we can’t blame him one bit. We’d do just about anything not to have to downsize if our stack of cash looked like that.

Which One?

For most of us, the question of which car to take to work in the morning is one that we never ask. We only have one vehicle (and if we have two, one is likely out of order) and have never had and probably never will have multiple cars in working order at any given time.

image credit: Hanimg.rustamova / instagram

This poor kid has a problem on his hands. He has to decide which of his perfectly smooth running, shiny red sports cars to take to the movies. The decision had to be truly terrible to make, and we can only dream of one day being fortunate enough to have to make the same one.

Stuff For School

Ah, the good old days of choosing school supplies. While we can’t say that we envy this rich kid (she does have to go to school after all!), we can say that we’re slightly green-eyed over her school supplies. Back in the day, we used the school computers, had one cellphone, and used dollar store pencil cases.

image credit: Luxurylvlove / instagram

This, though, is a far cry from what we were used to! In fact, looking at it, it seems like this student is from an entirely different planet. Between the designer bag and three smartphones (not just cellphones — smartphones), it’s clear that her parents have enough cash to go around.

Typical School Dessert

There’s nothing typical about school deserts. If you’ve been to school at all within the past few decades, you’ll know how much emphasis has been placed on having healthy school lunches. Generally, these lunches don’t consist of over-priced macaroons — even if they are super tasty.

image credit: Maisonladuree / instagram

According to this lucky kid, he or she gets to chow down on moist macaroons regularly at school. Judging by the box in the background, these macaroons aren’t homemade or store-bought dupes; they’re the real deal and worth a small fortune.

Where The Old Ones Belong

If you take a look at some of the older forms of currency, things can look a little bizarre. In fact, even some of today’s older money has some weird stuff on it. Some bills have public figures whose faces have been distorted during print, while the occasional coin has a terrible overall aesthetic.

image credit:

But that’s no reason to throw them in the trash, right? Right! It is, however, apparently a good enough reason to flush them down the toilet, though. From this careless snap, we get a good understanding of how appalling old bills are to some people.

Water That Costs 3 Digits

If you’re like us, you probably think that paying almost $3 for a bottle of water is some sort of legal robbery. You’re also probably a master of sourcing free water from fast-food chains, who aren’t supposed to charge you for a cup of water.

image credit: Ali Sheikh/Pinterest

But, if you’re a wealthy youngster like this person, the cost of a bottle of water is likely the least of your concerns. You might even do your best to actively avoid cheap water, adopting the “3 digits” rule. Who wants to get a good deal when you could get a fancy gold water bottle to show off?

Same Rolex

One of the best parts of being a rich kid is that the money is virtually endless. With it, these fortunate individuals can buy the most expensive designer clothes without worrying that every other kid in their school will have the same shirt from Target.

image credit: BuzzFeed/Pinterest

The problems arise when you enter the private school system. Here, having a fellow rich kid in class is the norm and the likelihood that they have the same clothes as you increase. That’s what happened to these classmates; they have the same Rolex watches and clearly aren’t happy about it.

New Babies

When it comes to buying new shoes, most of us take the time to hunt for the best deal. There have been countless times where we’ve put off buying shoes in an attempt to hold out for the next 2-for-1 sale or for new online exclusive discounts that can help us save enough to cover our morning coffee.

image credit: Gabriellesadiei / instagram

But when you’re a rich kid, price doesn’t mean anything — a fact that is evident by this adoring snap. The shoes here are from Gucci – one of the most luxury brands money can buy – and were likely to cost a few hundred dollars at least.

Hate It Here

Looking at this Snap, it’s easy to see why this rich kid would hate their dad’s second home. The very expensive cars in the driveway are awful, the tall arched doorways let in way too much sunlight, and the sheer size of the house means that walking from one end to the other takes more than 10 steps! Absolutely terrible.

image credit: ola pola/Pinterest

Okay, in all seriousness, we were definitely just being sarcastic. There are more than a million things to love about this home — and we haven’t even looked inside! There’s probably a game room, bowling alley, and a home theater tucked inside there.

Breakfast Of Champions

If there’s one thing that pancakes didn’t need, it’s to have caviar added to them. It’s difficult to say why but for some reason, the idea of fish eggs on our pancakes is enough to make us feel slightly sick to our stomachs. Then again, though, we’ve never had the luxury of trying caviar…so maybe it’s better than it sounds?

image credit: Mottracaviar / instagram

Regardless, the rich kids of the world can afford to top their pancakes with dollops of caviar — and when you can afford something, why not try it? Whoever took this snap was very proud of their food creation and had to share it with the world.

Toilet Paper At School

We’re all for cringy rich kid snaps — we can usually see the humor in them. But this one? We sincerely hope it’s a joke. According to the snap, this kid uses cold hard cash to wipe his behind while he’s at school — while there’s toilet paper right beside him!

image credit: BuzzFeed/Pinterest

We’d understand the motive behind this one a bit better if the toilet paper dispenser was empty; after all, we’ve all been forced to do some unfortunate things in the name of toilet paper. But from the looks of this snap, there’s no real reason here, and it pains us.

Back To School

When you go to school in another city, state, or country, the back and forth travel can be exhausting. This is especially true if your primary method of transportation is a car, which means hours upon hours of being squished into the vehicle and motion sickness.

image credit: Theraycartier / instagram

Now, for the rich kids, cramped car rides are non-existent. Why? Because they have private jets and airplanes, of course! All they have to do is buckle in and stretch their legs out, turn on a movie or their iPod, and sit back and relax while they soar back to school in style.

My Toilet Only Uses Voss

When you flush the toilet, you probably don’t stop to think about what kind of water it uses. As long as the water that fills the bowl is clean and clear, you’re happy. Right? Well, apparently, that’s not how things work in the world’s wealthy households.

image credit: PrivateSchoolSnapchats/Facebook

As demonstrated by this snap, rich kids are considerate of their toilets. They use only the finest water for flushing and wouldn’t dare using anything that comes out of the tap. What about bottled water like Evian, you ask? Nope! Not good enough, either.

Destroy The Old iPhone 4S

This has to be the most “rich looking” photo we’ve ever seen. To start things off, the pool cue being used is a bottle of wine. The person wielding the wine bottle is wearing a very expensive-looking watch and the target for the pool ball? An iPhone 4S.

image credit: Rick Kids of Snapchat/Facebook

The caption of this snap mentions “destroying the old iPhone 4S” and we can’t help but wonder why. The poor iPhone doesn’t look like it’s cracked or broken, and it’s not the oldest iPhone model out there, so why would anyone want to destroy it? Who knows.

Couldn’t Decide

So it’s finally time to upgrade your phone, and you’re stuck trying to decide between a handful of gorgeous new colors. How do you decide which one to choose? The good old “close your eyes and point” method works well for us. But what if you didn’t have to decide at all?

image credit: Guff/Pinterest

What if you were a rich kid whose dad could buy you all of the available colors, just to prevent you from having to make such a serious decision? You could walk out of the Apple store with 5 or 6 new phones; that’s the definition of privileged if you ask us.

Finally Home

Looking at this photo and its photographer’s simple description, our imagination began to go wild with the possibilities of where they were “coming home” from when it was taken. A lunch date in Paris? A two-month-long cruise around the Caribbean?

image credit: ebaumsworld/Pinterest

Either way, the main thing that catches our attention in this photo is the house in its center. It’s huge! Not to mention it has a helicopter landing pad on its roof and private multi-car parking. Whoever’s about to arrive back home has got to be one happy camper.

Watch Costs More Than This Car

Of all the big purchases one makes in their lifetime, cars and houses tend to be the most demanding financially. The average person spends over half of their life savings on a home and just as much on vehicles over their entire lifetime.

image credit: Bitcoin World/Twitter

Here, though, we see that it doesn’t work like that for the rich people of the world. This kid has a very expensive watch, and although we can’t see the car they are driving, we can only assume a super fancy car. Yet the car somehow costs less money than the watch? Crazy!

Only Water Good Enough

Until this photo, we’d never even heard of this brand of bottled water before. Looking at it, we almost thought that the person taking this snap had bedazzled a bottle of sparkling water, but alas, this is a real brand. One bottle costs roughly $40!

image credit: daddysmoney/Imgur

The person taking the snap is quite obviously a fan of this overly-expensive, bedazzled-like water. If they’re willing to pay that much for a bottle, it must be some pretty good stuff — or so we like to think because we can’t wrap our heads around that price tag.

Love Cuddling With Bae

Snapchat is littered with pictures of happy couples snuggled up on the couch or in bed. Most of them have cute captions that describe how much the couple loves each other or featuring some kind of sweet quote. This one is pretty simple, with the snapper telling the world how much she loves “cuddling with Bae.”

image credit: Skinny Walrus/Pinterest

Except that “Bae” isn’t a person. A dog or cat, then? Nope…not a furry cuddle companion, either. The other half of this cuddling couple is a pile of cash. Since there’s no real reason that anyone would want to cuddle up with a pile of germ-infested cash, we’re pretty confident that this snap was created just for the purpose of showing off.

Get Like Me

The rich kid factor of this photo amazes us. Not only is this Snapchatter quite obviously showing off all her wealth, but she’s also doing an excellent job of making her fellow Snapchatters feel jealous and inferior. The pile of cash, coupled with the description “Bish get like me” is hard to look at.

image credit: Brianna Elise/Tumblr

If we would have been the one Snapchatting with her, there’s no telling what we would have said. Honestly, we probably wouldn’t even know how to respond to something like that! We would be rich like her if it were that easy, so what is she trying to prove here?

Hate My Backyard

In the over-packed cities of today’s reality, it’s not uncommon to live in an apartment building that has no backyard or a shared common area of green grass that the building owner hopes will pass as a backyard. Many homeowners have terribly small gardens and those who live in duplexes? They share their yards with whoever lives in the other half of the building.

image credit: Grandtropicsuites / instagram

This rich kid has a giant backyard all to themself – and wow! Is it ever a nice one. Complete with luscious greenery and trees, double outdoor pools, and a waterfall, this backyard has a ton of style. Somehow, though, this Snapchatter claims to hate their garden!

A Little Bling Never Hurts

Here we have another tough decision. This young lady has to choose which diamond necklace she wants to wear and, as we would be, is probably having a tough time doing so. All of her options are shiny and expensive (and probably cost more than all of our jewelry combined!).

image credit: AdidaGlam/Pinterest

She took to Snapchat to share with the world how hard her daily decisions are. Does she wear the gold one or the platinum one? The delicate flowers or the classy latticework? Her decision is made even harder by the fact that she has a gold and platinum necklace in each style.

Lunch Money

If you remember how high school was, you’re probably well aware of how much money you spent at lunchtime. Whether you paid for cafeteria lunches or took your money off-campus to the nearest fast-food restaurant, lunch undoubtedly costs you a small fortune every year.

image credit: @victxoriaaa / pinterest

At the end of the day, it would have been nice to have a few extra dollars leftover, but if you didn’t have anything left, you weren’t alone in your suffering. This kid is most definitely alone in the fact that he has enough lunch money here to last him more than just a day. He could buy the entire school lunch with this stack of cash!

24 Karat Gold Bar

We’ve used a variety of things as doorstops during our lifetime, and we’ve seen a ton of creative doorstops used by other people. Large rocks, erasers, pieces of wood, cans full of cement — you name it! We’ve never quite seen anything like this, though.

image credit: Neatorama/Pinterest

What you’re looking at is a 24 Karat gold bar that’s being used as a doorstop. It’s not displayed on a shelf or locked in a protective vault; instead, it’s wedged under the door to keep it from closing. We’re surprised that no one has tried to steal yet.

Biros Are For Peasants

We can see the appeal of collecting fancy stationery and writing tools. After all, they look super neat and can become quite valuable as time goes on. But when you use your stationery collection to turn up your nose at the ball-point pen using population, it can become a bit of a problem.

image credit: yoshi891/Pinterest

This pen collector has taken their gold-leaf pen with them to school and seems to be using it in science class. While the pen is beautiful and we would have been more than happy to see a grateful Snapchat about it, we could have done without the peasant commentary.

Daily Problems

When it comes to everyday-life problems, both the wealthy population and the working-class folk have many of the same ones. Cars can break, houses can leak, and dogs can run away; no one is immune to these (and many more) unfortunate happenings.

image credit: ebaumsworld/Pinterest

One daily problem that most of us can’t relate to, though, is this one — a wallet that is so stuffed with cash that it won’t close. If this were our problem for a day, we’d welcome it with open arms. We’d also have it solved by the end of the day. Shopping spree, anyone?

What’s Wrong With Being Humble?

If humble is what’s showcased in this snap, then we must have been taught the wrong definition of the word during our school days. The way we see it, there’s nothing humble about this, and we’re hoping that the person taking it isn’t being serious.

image credit: ebaumsworld/Pinterest

The expensive car, fancy watch, and American Express card scream wealth. We also see what looks like the cuff of a tailored suit sticking out just beside the watch, which further adds to the irony of the snap’s caption “What’s wrong with being humble?”

New Little Toy

What qualifies as a “little toy” differs based upon personal preference, budget, and access. Most of the time, though, new little toys are things we buy ourselves that make us happy and add to a collection that probably has more than enough of the said item already.

image credit: Slavahergert / instagram

While many rich kids consider new watches, drones, or even top-of-the-line bicycles and game systems to be new toys, this kid is a little different. He or she figures that an entire airplane qualifies as a small toy. Each to their own, right? Sure! But we can’t help but wonder what they’d consider to be a “big toy.”

Dad’s Bluetooth Connections

This one’s a bit different. It doesn’t showcase anything particularly unique or eye-catching, and there’s no money to be seen in the shot. It made it onto our list, though, because of what’s on the screen of the iPhone.

image credit:

This rich kid has taken to Snapchat to showcase how many Bluetooth connections her dad has at home. If you don’t understand why these many Bluetooth connections signify that this family is super, super-rich, just keep in mind that each of these connections is an expensive vehicle or device. We can see 3 Lambos and a Ferarri – what else can you find?

Had To Treat Myself

The term “treat yourself” usually applies to hard workers, those on diets, and anyone who is feeling a little stressed. The treats that come from celebrating the saying often include ice cream or candy and sweets, a new pair of shoes, or a night out with friends.

image credit: Novacaine/tumblr

But when you’re rich, you can get away with treating yourself more extravagantly. Did anyone say “Balenciaga shopping spree?” No? Well, this kid did! She went all out at the designer shop, most likely racking up quite the bill — and scoring an awesome treat while doing it.

Birthday Present Shopping

The best kind of birthday presents are the ones that require taking the birthday boy or girl to pick it out. Why? This usually guarantees that the gift is something that was high on their wish list. It also means that the present in question is probably worth a pretty penny.

image credit: Hypermotorz / instagram

This has got to be one of the best birthday gifts ever. The experience of shopping for it must have been pretty great too. Seeing that the birthday kid more than likely had their choice of any of the vehicles on the lot. And at the end of the day, they made a pretty good choice, don’t you think?

My House Has A Horrible View

Wow! Check out this gorgeous view. Going outside every day to be greeted by the mountains and an endless expanse of greenery would be a dream come true. If this were our view, we’d be spending a ton of time soaking up the sun.

image credit: Dads_of_mallorca / instagram

Unfortunately, some people disagree with us. According to this snap, the person who lives in this home is far from pleased with their never-ending mountain views. The only way we could see this view being terrible is if it came with swarms of bugs or frequent bear invasions, which in hindsight, could very well be possibilities.

Need A New One

If you’ve ever worn a pair of shoes until they practically rotted off your feet or crazy glued the handle of a cup on more times than one, you’re blessed with the gift of frugality. Why buy a new item when the other one still works? Even having to make minor, frequent repairs is cheaper than buying a new pair of shoes.

image credit: Miriam McConnell/CollegeCandy

When a crack appears on our phone screens, or a scratch pops up on our laptop screens, we tend to look at, assess the damage, and decide that it’ll be okay as long as we’re careful. If we were this rich kid, though, we’d look at this small scratch and decide that the watch was no longer worthy of our ownership and that it needs to be replaced ASAP.

When Your Dad’s A Surgeon

Everyone knows that doctors make a decent income. But what about the guys we call surgeons? The guys who cut us open and remove anything that doesn’t belong or that’s making us ill — how much take-home money do they make?

image credit: Emelie_franzen / instagram

This snap, which was posted by a fortunate individual who is a surgeon’s son or daughter, shows us just how much a surgeon’s money can buy. Well, it actually only shows a portion — a sizeable outdoor pool, a gorgeous wooden deck, and plenty of space for relaxing on summer nights. Beautiful!

We Ran Out Of Plates

Honestly, there’s so much wrong with this photo. The germaphobe in us wants to scream at this person that they’re ruining their perfectly good pizza with millions of tiny bacteria from off their iPad screens – yuck! But the worst part by far is what’s happening to the iPads as this Snap is taken.

image credit: f Rich Kids of SnapChat/Facebook

The grease from the pizza is soaking into the iPad screens! We can appreciate not having any clean plates and being too lazy to wash one, but this is a bit much — even for us. Sure, we’d use a mildly dirty plate or no plate at all, but we’d never dream of making DIY plates from iPads.

Maid Has A Lot of Cleaning To Do

These high ceilings are truly impressive. Building and designing them must have taken ages! We can name only one thing that will take even longer than the original construction of them, though…any guesses? Hint: check out the blue stuff.

image credit: f RichKidsSnap/Twitter

If you guessed cleaning, you guessed correctly. The poor maid being referenced here will have to use a very very long ladder to reach the blue stuff (we think it’s silly string). We hope she’s paid well because she’s going to be up in the air for a very long time.

I Should Fire Him

If you’ve ever been just one minute late for something, you know how insignificant that one minute feels. For all intents and purposes, you might as well just say that you were right one time. After all, who’s seriously counting that one minute?

image credit: Rich Kids of Snapchat/Facebook

The rich kids of the world, that’s who. As we can see from this Snap, some people don’t take kindly to missing out on that one minute. With any luck, this kid was just trying to be funny, and the driver didn’t actually get fired. Who would drive him or her back and forth from tennis practice?

Asked Dad for A Helicopter

What’s better than one helicopter? 2! 2 is always better than one in the world of the rich and well-off. What is this kid going to do with two helicopters, though? It’s unlikely that he even knows how to fly them..

image credit: Rich Kids of Snapchat/Facebook

If we were him, we’d use them to transport our closest friends and us back and forth from scenic destinations, where we’d go for lunch before making the trip back home. We might even hire a tour guide and go on an aerial tour of the Amazon…the possibilities are endless (so long as there’s a pilot).

Why Go To The Museum

If you could make yourself breakfast from bed, why would you ever go to the kitchen to do it? You wouldn’t — and that’s precisely the point of this snap. Why on Earth would this wealthy kid go to the museum to see expensive art when they, according to them, have it in their home?

image credit: f Rich Kids of Snapchat/Facebook

They wouldn’t — and they don’t. Nothing is exciting about paintings and sculptures when your watch costs more than the piece of artwork you’re making an effort to go see. Instead, sit back, relax, and enjoy the view of your watch shining in the sunlight.

Getting On Me Chopper

Look! What’s that? A bird? A plane? Nope! It’s just my chopper.” is a sentence we never thought we’d hear ourselves say. That is, of course, until we stumbled across this photo of the rich kids in their natural habitat, chopper at the ready.

image credit: Richkidsoflondon / instagram

The guys in the photo look pretty comfortable, so we’re going to assume that one of them owns the chopper. The biggest question here is where are they that there isn’t a crowd of curious onlookers gathering around the chopper? Surely it’s far from a quiet getaway vessel.

Allergic To Cheap Leather

If you’re an animal lover, vegan, or generally against the use of animal fur and/or skins for human products, you might want to skip the next item on our list. If not, then look no further because this is one of the best examples of how the tastes of rich kids differ from those of the general population.

Image courtesy of Rich Kids of Snapchat/Facebook

Most of us wouldn’t dream of complaining about fake leather or pleather (plastic-leather), as long as it looks good and can pass for the real deal. Many of us would instead opt for a fake item than one that was made from the skin of an animal…but not this kid. He’s allergic to cheap leather.

Queen Decided To Stop By

We can safely say that we – nor any of our friends or family- have ever been paid a visit by the Queen of England. Really, we don’t think that anyone would have gotten one, as it isn’t in her job description to make house calls to lowly peasants.

image credit: Rossalyn Warren/BuzzFeed

But! As we’ve seen, the worlds of the rich kids and their families are not the same as everyone else’s. This rich kid, who attends a private school, got to see the Queen in person when she just randomly visited his school. Talk about starstruck!