Photoshop Expert Continues To Troll People Who Need To Learn To Choose Their Words Carefully
If you’re half as good as James Fridman at using Photoshop, then you should expect people to ask for free works. They might ask you to crop out a guest or add a couple of inches to their height. Basically, anything that will make the pic Insta-worthy.
But instead of making money off of these projects, Fridman simply enjoys the attention he rakes in from the Twitterverse. And how could he not? It’s a different kind of high, being funny and having thousands of people appreciate your work. These edits are pretty hilarious!
Make no mistake, he has intentionally made these edits look like failures, only so he could have the last laugh. Check out these fantastic Photoshop “fails” from the ever-talented James Fridman.
All images in this article are courtesy of fjamie013 on Twitter.
Freak Show
This kid has always wished that he had a stronger jawline, giving him a more masculine face. But who knows? He might just be growing into it. Luckily, there are guys like James to make up for the lack of angles in these male teens.

Don’t like round? Well, surely this teen can settle for rectangular, and the rest of his friends can sport triangles. Given the variety of shapes in this picture, we can’t see any reason why this kid shouldn’t be grateful for the work James put in.
That’s Better
When taking pictures, it might help to have an image already in mind. That way you can choose a filter before taking the shot. Take it from Sean. He probably wouldn’t have asked James to make changes to this picture had he known it would turn out like this.

“Got you buddy,” James thinks as blurs the entirety of Sean’s face and then brings the viewer’s attention to the city. It’s as crisp as it gets. This picture would have been perfect had it not been for this photobomber standing in front of it.
“Your Wish is My Command”
James Fridman is the modern-day genie in a lamp for people who are into taking the perfect shots. You have only got one wish though, so you better make it count. Think about phrasing it very carefully because you know how devious genies can be.

They will take things too literally, or worse, they will pull up those lawyer stints to make you the butt of the joke. To be fair, the Statue of Liberty is portrayed as a woman. That counts as a person in this case, if you ask us.
Got You A Pair
We feel like there is an interesting backstory to this picture. There is a group of people posing in front of the camera, and they seem to be attending a special event. But just why did this woman attend it barefoot?

You should have requested a pair of heels, Jacinthe. That way James might not have stolen this innocent man’s shoes and then put them on you. Remember to bring a proper pair of footwear if you need to attend a formal event, yeah?
Standing In A Garden
If there is one thing we have noticed about these client requests, it’s that you have to be careful with your grammar. In a garden is different from in front of a garden, Cora. Try to keep up next time.

James might have thought the couple needed a little privacy if they wanted to smother each other with kisses. It seemed like they were getting to it too, with her hand on his chest, and his arm cradling her back.
We Know What Would Work
At first glance, this picture of this couple looks perfect the way it is. But this nitpicky woman wanted the man in the background to look happier than he actually was. Well, we know one thing that would definitely cheer him up…

Set him on a date with the nitpicky woman, of course! Maybe that ought to put a cap on her complaints, too. For sure, her beau didn’t like the sight of seeing her on a date with a stranger. The guy isn’t smiling as broadly as before.
You Already Are
Sure, James Fridman has got a great sense of humor, and you will see him poke fun out of the people who send him photo edit requests. But he’s actually a wholesome guy. He doesn’t make fun of people’s insecurities, especially if it’s about weight.

It’s hard to understand how this woman couldn’t see how beautiful she is. She doesn’t need to lose weight to look pretty. And it’s nice to have people who work in the industry, like James, reassure women that beauty has nothing to do with size.
Just Rip it Off
Some women are perfectionists to a fault. Jesse thought that the only thing that ruined this picture of her and her date was the phone bulging from his front pocket. But little did she know that things could have been much worse.

He could have appeared with ripped khaki pants, sporting a risque ’90s look. Or he could have chosen to stand her up altogether. We know we would, if she had shown us this kind of attitude. We wouldn’t have even noticed the bulge, Jesse, if she hadn’t pointed it.
Roasted, Just How You Like Them
If you had thought that James was only a vanishing genie, then you thought wrong. He is also a mind-reader but he won’t give in to your wishes unless you tell him so. When this woman wanted a couple of ducks in the background, James gladly obliged.

“Roasted, just how you like them.” James didn’t hold back one bit. Instead of giving this couple a pair of ducks, he gave them a raft hung by hooks and hoisted in the front of the shop to appeal to passersby. Ain’t that delish or what?
Removing the Poser
This couple takes vacations every once in a while. Sometimes, they happen to be the few people at the scene. But there are times, they have to share the breathtaking view with a couple of strangers. Needless to say, it ruins the shot.

It’s hard to tell who this woman’s hubby is. Both of the guys behind her are wearing white caps. Fortunately enough, James took out the poser who was ruining the idyllic view, and now they can share this picture with friends and family.
Easier Done than Said
This guy prefers to take solo pictures. That way nobody can notice just how short he is. But today is a special day and he puts on a brave front as he stands beside his friends who are a foot taller than he is.

“No problem, Galactic. Let’s just remove your friends’ necks and faces. It does the trick all the same.” If you can’t accept the fact that you’re shorter than your friends, then leave it up to James to play to your emotions.
Make Up for the Height Difference
As far as we know, women shouldn’t have to worry about how short they are — so long as the guy is taller than them. But this woman put in an odd request, asking James to make her as tall as he is in the picture.

“You bet!” While James may not give her heels to help with the height difference, he can surely dig up a hole for the guy. “That enough for you, honey?” If she utters a single complaint, we might see this guy buried six feet underground.
Paleolithic or Neolithic?
Of all the nationalities, the French keep placing the oddest requests. This madman sent a picture of him and his friends at a wedding reception, asking for him to edit the picture to place them in a museum. Why do that, when the background is perfect the way it is?

Unlike us, James is not the type to complain. His brows were knit as he struggled with how best to portray these madmen in a museum. “Would they prefer to be dressed in loincloths or in tunics?” Never mind. That won’t matter if they’re all prehistoric.
Do Something Useful
Owing to this woman’s beauty, we would not have noticed that she was posed awkwardly, holding the handrail. But now that she has mentioned it, that handrail skews the focus off her perfectly toned legs, and that cute dress. What a waste!

Even if James edited it out, she would be left awkwardly grasping at the air. So Fridman decided to place a hose with running water to make this picture a little more believable. He put her empty hand to some use. Now, we can call it a candid shot.
Where You’re All Alone
Unlike girls, guys only have a limited number of shots they can use for profile pictures and posts. So we understand why juuso wanted to crop everyone out of this picture. It was one of those rare moments he was dressed to impress.

If you want out of the picture so badly, then have someone take a solo picture of you with the same background. That’s the perfect way to get a picture where you’re alone. No rad editing, no fuss! Just sheer good looks and decent lighting.
All About the Details
This guy had slaved himself for months on end just to buy himself a Texan belt buckle. It was made of pure gold which was part-investment, and part-luxury. After buying it, this teen wanted to show it off to everyone.

We bet this Texan cowboy wasn’t counting on being hidden by the gi-normous belt buckle. But he got what he wished for. Now he can proudly show off a two-meter long chape and he has still got his shoes to prove that’s him in the picture.
Just Go Outside
We’re beginning to notice a pattern here. Guys often request that they be photoshopped with an interesting background, making them appear in a backyard or a garden. Might it have to do with the contrast between their dark suits and the lush landscape?

This is by far one of the easiest photo edits James Fridman has done. We don’t even know why these boys requested to have their picture look like it was taken outside. They could have just gone there and not wasted James’ time.
Got An Intern
Who’d have thought that, of all places, this woman would find herself a job at Disney’s Pixar Fest? She hadn’t been dressed for the interview, and frankly, she was unprepared. But she had such a great personality, that they had to hire her on the spot.

Look at her enthusiastically promoting the festivities. There were rides, food fights and even prizes to be won at the fair. She didn’t waste a minute. She grabbed that sign and ushered people to the restrooms. Gotta settle this business before having uninterrupted fun!
Give Her Some Pennies
When in Venice, make sure to ride the Gondola. It was one of the means of transportation locals used in Venice hundreds of years ago. At present, it’s a pleasant ride and helps ferry tourists from one point of the city to others in a couple of minutes.

As you can guess, this couple was excited to be shown around the city. The only let-down was that she had dressed herself the same as the gondolier. Well, how about dressing the gondolier as something more interesting, instead? That ought to do the trick.
In Full Bloom
If you are taking a selfie and you are wondering what is a failsafe background that’s perfect for a new profile picture, then choose lush greenery. Patrik brought his A-game when he snapped this shot of himself by the school grounds.

If you ask us, this picture already looks perfect. It might even be on par with pictures taken by professionals. But Patrik does not have the same eye for photography. And James showed him how much worse it can look.
Swept Over His Face
Everyone has gone through this phase. They do it because they want to fit in, or they genuinely believe that the hairstyles of their generation frame their best assets. People have got to stop hating on James for cleaning out the trash in this pic.

Why did this man sport a broom over his face? Not only that, he even slathered on some styling gel. The answer lies in the after picture. We would probably place a broom over our heads too to cover up the fact that we’re middle-aged men.
The Guy Only Loves Himself
It doesn’t take a genius to find out that your partner is bad for you. It only takes one glaring, red flag and sadly enough, it was James, a stranger to this relationship, who pointed it out to this woman.

You know what they say — jokes are half-truths. We may be laughing our heads off at the idea that this man’s girlfriend is no match for his self-obsession, but that is what appears to us. Girl, if you’re reading this, get out of that relationship stat!
Winnie the Pooh Doesn’t Exist
This woman was “this many years old” when she finally met her childhood friend, Winnie the Pooh. She had chanced upon him in the park and asked if she could get a picture of the two of them. He kindly agreed.

More realistic? If she really wanted to, she could have just gone camping in the wild outdoors and tracked a wild bear to see how kindly it would take to her. She could show pictures of what it looks like to be inside a bear’s belly.
Spread His Roots
It’s never easy growing out of a relationship. The person with whom you had shared the most important parts of your life becomes a stranger. And sadly, the memories you had with them do not compare with the promise that being single brings.

Not to worry, there will be other important life events you can look forward to. And once you have gotten peace (with the idea that he had grown out of the relationship), then you will look back at this picture without being affected by it.
Where They’re Headed Anyway
Hannah was born and raised in the city. She hasn’t known anything else but. During her break, she spends some time in the countryside or traveling to different countries. Her eyes widen at things that would seem ordinary to us…like cows.

We bet this naive city girl’s eyes widened at the sight of this picture. Well, don’t be so bummed out about it, Hannah. It’s where these cows are headed to anyway. Did you honestly think that they were made to be domesticated? Think again.
Just Needs Some Drapes
There are a lot of tricks that you can resort to if you want to land the perfect shot. Learn to balance light and shade, how to frame your picture, where best to take your angles, and even experiment with draping every once in a while.

Trust us, draping is the ultimate game-changer. You can draw the viewer’s attention to a certain part of the picture, and rid yourself of the need to crop or Photoshop. You can even make your legs look longer than they really are!
Modern-day Mona Lisa
We have got to give it to Fridman. He has grown so popular that women with modelesque faces are actually giving him their pics for free. Other artists would kill just to have models like these lined as their muses.

Thanks to this woman, James was able to reinvent the Mona Lisa. This is his take on the famous painting, using this woman’s face mapped out on this gigantic bean. Like Da Vinci’s work of art, this drew the awe and attention of passersby.
Better Now?
The smallest details can make or break your picture. For this guy, it had been the backyard chair. He was dressed in his natural best, but he had forgotten that the chair he sat on did not match the motif for this candid pictorial.

“If you think you’re dressed aesthetically enough, then how about we make a chair out of you?” It might have taken James more time to recreate the backyard piece this guy was looking for, but it was all worth it in the end.
Let’s Not Kid Ourselves
We don’t know about you, but dating in this day and age is pretty difficult. The paralysis of choice, they call it. You have too many options you matched with so many options you don’t know which one to pick. You end up spreading yourself thin instead of investing in one partner.

So, if this guy really wants one, then he should dip his toe in the water and then start asking women out. We’re certain that he will find the right one to invest his time and effort in, so he won’t have to rely on Photoshop as a replacement for a real girlfriend.
Coming Right Up
Just like men, this woman cares about her partner’s looks. She wants a trophy husband, one that would make her girlfriends envious of her. She would give her man a 6 out of 10, probably an 8 if his face were smaller.

As it is requested, so it is delivered. James Fridman manages to make this guy’s features disproportionately smaller, but we are certain that this guy can make up for it in other ways. *wink wink.* Reckon that is enough for his girl?
Child’s Play
People flock to this Parisian landmark that stands over 1000 feet tall. But make no mistake, this tower isn’t purely for display. You will find a laboratory near the top where dozens of experiments are conducted. Sadly, tourists aren’t privy to that sight.

Leave it to Fridman to prove that editing pictures is a matter of child’s play. Watch how he had made a replica of the Parisian landmark only using tape and a black cartolina. Do you reckon she can channel lightning into electrical power with that cropped top?
Grew Into It
If you’re wondering how Fridman got started, then you’re in luck. We’ve just found out that he never intended to master the art of photo editing. As he was assigned more and more tasks over the years, he simply grew into it…kinda like this woman did.

She stood unmoving as the tree’s roots and branches encircled her and then covered the whole length of her body. Little by little, she disappeared. And all that was left of her was her face which people could hardly recognize.
Typo Check
If you thought that Fridman only dabbled in photo editing then you thought wrong. He is also into wordplay, editing out the captions so that these fit the picture better. For this project, he decided to make things once rated R now a kid-friendly PG moment.

Brother better start learning how to double-check his captions. That is, if this was even a typo. Let’s not think too hard about that. Thanks, James, for cleaning up both the innuendo and the animal that is this man who’s eager to get home to his woman.
Baring A Little
Here’s a pro tip. When you ask a professional to add a couple of changes to your picture, try to avoid using adjectives such as dangerous. Wading in a lake with crocs is dangerous, and so is baring some skin.

It all depends on your risk tolerance. At first, we couldn’t understand what was so dangerous about this pic, until we saw that hideous piece of sandals that could barely pass as footwear. Pairing them off with crew-length socks is enough to cause permanent blindness.
Animal Lover
Just like in the previous slide, our next ‘victim’ wasn’t very specific in their request, so as usual, Fridman took the opportunity to take make fun of them. However, we are curious about why the woman chose that weird pose in the first place. Was she perhaps mid-dance?

When she sent a request to fix the photo, our guy was only happy to oblige. You have to appreciate how his mind works because how did he land on a horse?! Anyway, we think this user didn’t get it as badly as some people on this list. After all, who doesn’t love horses?
Megamind-inspired Family Photo
We don’t know about you, but both versions of this photo would be going to the family album if this was our picture. It’s simply too good to throw away. Plus, we think it perfectly displays how much joy was present in that room at the time. Look at those smiles!

The only person who would probably not be too ecstatic about it would be the said husband. His head looks a teeny bit smaller in both photos. However, he could still choose to look on the bright side since his is the only normal-sized head in the second one, thanks to the kind Fridman!
It’s A Christmas Miracle!
While most people use photoshop to try and correct things they don’t like about their favorite snaps, we are so grateful Fridman’s page exists to create a hilarious twist on that. Otherwise, where else would we get our daily dose of laughter if not through pictures like these?

We will certainly be more careful about what we do with our hands during photo shoots since this isn’t the first time someone has asked for their hand to be ‘fixed.’ With that said, we absolutely love the Christmas dinner theme he picked here. It certainly added to this photo’s charm!
He Definitely Did The Best
Everyone likes to look good in their photos, especially group or couple photos, because you never know when someone else might decide to post it online. It’s one of our worst fears to have a picture of us out there that doesn’t look perfect, so we totally get these guys.

For some people, looking good is closely tied to how old they think they look in a picture, like this person, for example. Their girlfriend tried to fix the issue by consulting with the photoshop master, but unfortunately, she wasn’t clear. Fridman did his best, though, wouldn’t you agree?
Baecation? Check. Loving boyfriend? Check. Scenic backdrop for the perfect snap? Double-check. Perfect snap? Not so much. This girl must have been so caught up in the ‘high’ of exploration that she didn’t notice this unflattering pose but lucky for her, she knew just what to do. Or so she thought.

This is why you should always take multiple selfies before moving along to the next thing. If these two had done that, they wouldn’t have needed Fridman’s services. But then, they also wouldn’t have gotten this hysterical replacement either. We just hope they have a great sense of humor!