Check Out The Most Remote Place On Earth That’s Home To Almost 50 People

By Divya G

Pitcairn Island is probably the most isolated island, not to mention its small population. According to the implausible story, Fletcher Christian led numerous sailors and seized the control of HMS Bounty. And then, Captain William Bligh and his supporters were set adrift in the South Pacific sea.

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The British mutineers scoped out the remote locales, fearing prosecution for settling in a local community. For several months, they picked up around 19 Tahitian companions along the way. And later on, the group decided to settle down on a deserted volcanic island around 1350 miles southeast of Tahiti. And against all odds, their descendants continue to live on the subtropical island, Pitcairn.

It is a part of the four Pitcairn Islands, once considered the most remote inhabited islands of the world. Other islands which are uninhabited include Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno. The dimension of Pitcairn is minimal and has a width of 1 mile and a length of 2 miles.

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These rugged islands have steep cliffs and are next to impossible for boats to dock. Despite having settled for more than 200 years, its population hasn’t evolved nor changed much. In 1937, it peaked at 233, but the present population is just 50. So we can rightfully say that it is not more than when the mutineers arrived first.

While there are only a few residents along with limited acreage, the amenities on the island are also limited. Nevertheless, you will find a health clinic, general store, museum, treasury, tourism center, post office, library, etc. The island also has a school named Pulau School which provides primary education to children.