Touring Venice? Get Ready To Pay Day-Visitor Tourist Tax
The “floating city” of Venice is located in Northeastern Italy. It is immensely popular for its architecturally significant buildings, canals, and art gallery-like cathedrals. These attractions are exactly what drives millions of visitors to stop by the city every year.
However, they’ll soon need to pay taxes for the privilege of touring the otherwise increasingly fragile spot.

The city officials will soon start placing the pay-to-see “tourist tax” right from 16th January 2023. From then, the regular visitors will need to make a reservation that demands a daily fee of €3 to €10. However, the exact fee will depend entirely on how many folks the city is going to receive on any given day. In contrast, the higher prices are specifically designed to discourage visitors.
Venice’s city officials can view the digital reservation system only as a means to prevent the overwhelming numbers of tourists. Thus, it has been estimated to go as high as 30 million tourists annually against a residential population of only 55,000.

But if the tourists stay at a Venice hotel overnight, they’ll not be required to pay a separate reservation fee. However, a tourism fee remains included in the hotel costs.
But don’t worry – there are some exceptions in the requirements for reservation. Guests of Venetian residents and children under six years visiting people held in the Venetian jail are exempted from this tax. But to avail of this privilege, they will have the need to show their entry proof. How this documentation will be established is still unknown.