Urban Legends: 40+ Spooky Tales That Have Stood The Test Of Time And Still Haunt Us Today

By Sachin p

Wherever you go, you can always count on learning about an urban legend people believe in.  These are the spooky tales you constantly hear at slumber parties or around a fire in the summertime. They have been handed down through generations, occasionally assuming fresh, unexpected twists along the way. Quite a number of them have been around longer than our parents have been alive!

The scary, hilarious, and cautionary aspects that make them so popular among different populations have also ensured the stories remained alive until now. Today, we explore the most famous ones that are still prevalent in our culture. Some of them have served as the inspiration for video games, popular novels, and even TV episodes! So, find a cozy spot and get comfortable. It’s going to get spooky!

The infamous chupacabra

The Chupacabra is a famous fabled beast known across many regions throughout the Americas. According to mythology, it originally appeared around Puerto Rico in 1995 and was given the name ‘chupacabra’ thanks to its alleged tendency to drink the blood of the livestock it kills.

Wilson Hui / flickr

The creature’s appearance has been described in a variety of ways. Reports describe it as reptilian and alien-like, hefty, with the proportions of a tiny bear. Some also say the mysterious creature has a series of spines running from its neck toward the tail base. Certainly, a beast to avoid at all costs!

Make sure you count correctly!

As per this urban legend, anyone who sets foot in this graveyard after midnight is required to ascend the flight of stairs and count to 100. Once you get to the top, the ghost of a mortician will materialize and give you a glimpse of how you will die!


As if that’s not scary enough, after this spooky revelation, you’re supposed to climb down the stairs, counting to 100 once more to tell if the vision was true or not. Suffice it to say, it will be a cold day in hell before we ever go anywhere near this infamous cemetery in Indiana!


The Loch Ness Monster lives in Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. It is generally portrayed as a massive creature with a hump and a long neck like that of a camel. Nessie first caught the world’s attention in 1933, and since then, these highlands have never been the same.


Its existence has only been verified anecdotally and through a few contested sonar reports and pictures. Like with most other mythical creatures, claims of sightings of this elusive monster have been explained by the science community as frauds, blind optimism, and incorrect recognition of everyday objects.

Screaming Jenny

According to West Virginia legend, Jenny was a downtrodden resident who lived alone. One day, she was preparing food when her clothing caught fire and quickly spread over her entire body. She sprinted outside but was, unfortunately, run over by an incoming train while screaming for aid.

Our-WV.com / facebook

How could someone have the horrible luck of being burned alive and then hit by a train? No wonder her ghost has never found peace. Now we will always think of Jenny and her misfortune whenever we see train tracks in an abandoned area.

Told you to do it on foot!

When Hannah Cranna’s spouse inexplicably perished after falling off a cliff, residents of Monroe started speculating that she practiced black magic. It didn’t help her case that the people who crossed her during her lifetime somehow always came across bad fortune.

Own work / wiki commons / public domain

People’s suspicions of her being a witch intensified after her death. Apparently, her coffin kept slipping from the wagon that carried it, and her house was inexplicably razed to the ground after she was buried! Now if that’s not evidence of the supernatural, we don’t know what is.

In the evil hour…

La Mala Hora, also known as the Evil-Doer, the Evil One, La Malora, and La Malorga, is so spooky that it’s actually identified as an entity as opposed to a creature! According to folklore from New Mexico, it can manifest as a gorgeous woman with long, black hair dressed in a white or black outfit.


With her feet off the earth, this female spirit apparition flies down the road looking for solo travelers. Its other appearance resembles a black blob that is continually writhing and changing shape! A human could become disoriented if this secondary shape envelops them in a thick fog.

Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Blo…

With this next one, you can try it on your own if you’re a daredevil! Apparently, if you utter Bloody Mary’s name aloud whilst gazing into a reflection, her ghost will show you your future. Based on different legends, she is alternately portrayed as good or evil.


A few have tried to clarify this strange myth by claiming that an extended gaze at a mirror in a dimly lit room can make you start to hallucinate. The identity of Bloody Mary and whether she was inspired by an actual woman are still a topic of discussion.

Tuck yourself in tightly

This has to be one of the scariest ones on our list! A spooky narrative describes how a creep sneaks into a girl’s bedroom and hides under her bed overnight. The killer then occasionally licks her hand, but the unsuspecting girl thinks it’s the dog.


But she is stunned when she discovers her beloved dog was actually killed the previous night. Near the body is the phrase, “humans can lick too.” If this was a cautionary tale to make people tuck themselves in at night, it went overboard!

The Phantom Jogger

From a creep, now we have a nice ghost jogger. Such a relief! It seems that “Casper” is not the only friendly ghost out there. Urban lore tells of a ghost jogger who runs up to people’s cars, gently knocks n their windows, and says hi.

Rayah Arnold / Pinterest

This urban legend reminds us of the jogger from the second Ghostbusters movie. But that jogger was not as nice as the one that is featured in this story. If it’s as nice as people say, we might be able to tolerate it! Keyword: MIGHT.

Release the Kraken!

Scandinavian tradition describes the Kraken as a huge, octopus-like monster that prowls the seas off the coastlines of Norway and Greenland. It’s said to do that in search of human flesh. A travelogue from 1700 contains the first recorded description of the Kraken.

Olha Pankiv / shutterstock

It is actually quite possible that sightings of an enormous squid were the inspiration for the Kraken legend. The Kraken mythology is nevertheless well known today thanks to multiple references in pop culture, for example, in movies like Pirates of the Caribbean.

Keep your hands to yourself

This angel-themed monument is 8 1/2 feet tall and located in a cemetery in Iowa City. It stands out between rows of plain grave markers and is well known in the area not because of its expertly carved somber face but rather for being frighteningly black.

Billwhittaker at English Wikipedia / wiki commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

This dark appearance, however, is completely explainable by the process of bronze oxidizing. However, that doesn’t stop people from attaching superstitious meaning to it. Touching it is sad to bring bad luck and death, so you better keep your hands to yourself if you’re ever anywhere near it.

Don’t accept candy from strange people!

This is among the spookiest urban legends in Texas. It revolves around a woman called Clara Crane, who tormented the small hamlet of Terrell after leaving a mental institution. She had been admitted there for allegedly poisoning her husband, who she blamed for their daughter’s death.


She was suspected of being behind a string of disappearances of kids in the town. According to the tale, she’d place sweets in areas that she knew kids were fond of in an effort to entice them. If you didn’t listen when your mum told you not to take candy from strangers, here’s another warning!

Area 51

Due to the extreme mystery surrounding it, Area 51 has become a common focus for conspiracy theories. It’s a key element of nearly every UFO legend. All studies and events in Area 51 are said to be top secret and protected as sensitive information. This is despite one fact!

Made by X51 – Own work / wiki commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

It was never designated as a covert base! After a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) query was submitted in 2005, the CIA confirmed the facility’s operation on June 25, 2013. Despite the release of official reports, the region is still a popular tourist hotspot thanks to its association with alien activity and UFOs.

Clowning around

Homey the Clown was a homicidal clown urban legend that originated in North America in 1991. It predated the “Creepy Clown Craze” by a number of years, but similar to it, this one also created a great deal of public disagreement.

Mamluke / flickr

It even led to a localized frenzy among the locals of Chicago. That said, this story is still up for debate because there is no clear proof to support or refute the existence of Homey the Clown. Some argue he was the result of a morbid fantasy or joke.


The Yeti is said to live somewhere in the Himalayas. Numerous questionable materials, such as anecdotal visual reports, contested video footage, pictures, and plaster castings of huge footprints, have been brought forth over the years as evidence to justify its existence.


However, none of the reports have ever been confirmed to date. Because of the similarities in the physical details of the two subjects, the Yeti is frequently linked to the Bigfoot legend of North America. If you were to pick between the two, who would you rather come face to face with?

Do not trespass here!

This myth has two different iterations. One features a burned-out institution for the mentally ill, while the other features a mysterious physician. Both versions say that Hell awaits those who go through all seven gateways of a patch of woods in Hellam Township, Pennsylvania.

Brandondsantos – Own work / wiki commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

The region in question never had a facility; the physician mentioned in the tale just built one gate to prevent trespassers from coming in. Although it has become a famous tourist site over the years, the land is privately owned. Thus, anyone caught on it could face trespassing charges.

The Hook (Not the dude from Peter Pan)

The legend about the Hookman is about a killer who attacks a couple in a parked automobile. He does this while holding a hook resembling one used by pirates. In the story, he is frequently depicted as an elderly guy who is partially obscured.


His face is always covered, and he apparently wears a raincoat and hat. The tale is believed to have originated at some point in the mid-1950s and received some notoriety when it was republished in the Dear Abby advice column in 1960.

Now a major motion picture!

The Broaddus family, having recently relocated to a new home in New Jersey, unwittingly became the subjects of The Watcher. After they had moved in, they started getting ominous letters from a creepy stranger who claimed to be guarding their property. Free security, anyone?

Eric Liebowitz / Netflix

Worn out (and seriously spooked) by the warnings, they eventually sold the home and relocated elsewhere. And that’s where things get even more interesting. Surprisingly, the new owners never received a single letter from ‘The Watcher.’ It seems that perk was only reserved for The Broaddus fam!

The Night Marchers

The Hawaiian term for night marchers is “huaka’i po,” and they are said to be revered spirits. According to folklore, they are a band of ghosts that walk down the hillside at dusk, occasionally with old Hawaiian goddesses or deities in their company.


Conch shell blasts, repetitive drumming, as well as chanting are common accompaniments to the march.  The night marchers are respected and feared in equal measure, and it’s said that if you somehow stumble upon them, you should lay face down on the ground and let them pass.

Human icicles

The harsh winters of Vermont were too much for an extremely poor family of highland farmers who lived alone in a small village about twenty minutes outside Montpelier. Unable to survive on their small supplies, the family devised a method to weather this storm.


They froze a few individuals alive, so they could defrost them during the spring and afterward reanimate them! Sounds utterly insane, right? Despite how ludicrous it sounds, several people from the older generations continue to swear that it is accurate.

Kushtaka (“land otter men”)

Physiologically, Kushtaka are said to be shape-shifters with the ability to take on the appearance of otters, humans, and other forms. According to some legends, this creature may transform into any kind of otter and, according to others, just one.


Reports of their conduct are a bit inconsistent. According to some, the Kushtaka are evil beings who pleasure in duping helpless Tlingit sailors into dying. In other stories, they are kind creatures who prevent the lost from succumbing to the cold. So, if you ever get lost here, pray that you get a kind Kushtaka!

Be thankful for the food on your table

A struggling family dwelt inside an Arizona canyon throughout the Gold Rush. The dad frequently went out to find food, but when he didn’t show up one day, he sealed their fate. The mom took the life of her children and dumped their remains into a local river.


She did that because she could no longer stand to hear their screams of hunger. Unfortunately, she also passed away the following morning. The legend claims that maybe if you visit Slaughterhouse Canyon at nightfall, you will hear her crying!

The Bandage Man

Since the 1960s, there’s been a popular urban legend circulating about The Bandage Man. People speculate that it might have begun as a warning to discourage young couples from “resting” at highway 101. Over the decades, numerous motorists have claimed to witness a bandaged man trying to jump them.


Couples have reported seeing this creepy-looking man walking to their vehicle in parking areas or from different vantage points. Some claim to have spotted him on the shoreline or strolling along Highway 101 or the brief “Bandage Man Road” that links Cannon Beach.

The Slenderman cometh

There are numerous well-known variations of the urban legend famously known as Slenderman. Some claim he’s a tree-like man with tendrils that can extend at least 12 feet in length. Others say it’s a humanoid creature with a suit and limbs that stretch to his lower legs.

Own work / wiki commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

That said, he’s said to be faceless in all of his forms. According to legend, the Slenderman first appeared in the period between 1400 and 1500 A.D., when wives allegedly claimed that a tall person forced them to attack their spouses and kids! Somehow, that’s even scarier!

The truth is out there!

Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch) is a cryptid that aficionados and cryptozoologists claim lives inside the wilderness of North America. Massive footprint impressions, photos, videos, audio, biological samples, and anecdotal reports have all been used as questionable evidence for the existence of this creature.

Own work / wiki commons / CC BY-SA 3.0

Researchers do not think that any of this information is especially persuasive. That’s because some of it was eventually revealed to be fake or cases of mistaken identity. However, this hasn’t stopped Bigfoot from being featured in films, books, and other entertainment media.

Krampus: The Anti-Santa

Here is a Christmas urban legend to share this year. Krampus is depicted as a humanoid, horned character from Eastern and Central Alpine mythology in Europe. It frightens misbehaving kids throughout the Advent period. In December, Saint Nicholas and Krampus, his helper, visit youngsters.

Steve Larese / Lonely Planet

Santa rewards the nice kids with presents like citrus, dried apricots, nuts, as well as chocolates, whereas Krampus punishes the bad ones using birch rods. Just so you know, the actual Krampus Day falls on December 5, so better get yourself in check, kids!

The Mothman

The Mothman is a winged entity found in contemporary mythology. It is said to have been initially spotted in the Point Pleasant region in 1967. A man and woman said the creature pursued them as they were traveling one night. We’re never driving at night again!


They said it had bright red eyes and gigantic wings. The allegations were quickly picked up by the nationwide press, which made the story gain traction all across the country. Some people claim the story was inspired by strange observations of cranes or herons.


1981 saw the release of a brand-new game called Polybius at a few arcades in Portland, Oregon. It wasn’t your average video game, though. The individuals who tried it apparently experienced a variety of adverse reactions, like nightmares, memory lapses, fainting, vomiting, and migraines.


Also, it was claimed that company representatives in dark coats visited the arcades to gather data from the devices. Even more strange, after just a month, every one of these devices was taken out of service! Spooky but also quite intriguing.

Donnie Darko, is that you?

The Bunny Man is an urban legend that started after two occurrences in Fairfax County, Virginia, in 1970. It has since traveled to Maryland as well as Washington, D.C. There are numerous versions of the myth, but the majority feature a man brandishing a hatchet.


Some say it was an axe held by a man dressed as a rabbit. Colchester Overpass, also known as “Bunny Man Bridge,” is where most of the stories are centered and among the few similarities the tales share. His name, goals, methods, casualties, and other details vary between different versions.

Dude, where’s my kidney?

This has to be one of those urban legends that everyone has heard of. Though the story has been told in many distinct manners, every version shares the very same key points. During a work trip, a guy or woman strikes up a conversation with an outsider, and they get drugged.


They then discover stitched-up scars on their side when they wake up a few hours later. In some versions, the person wakes up several hours later inside a pool of ice with a note telling them their kidney has been stolen! This is a reminder to always watch your drinks when you’re out having fun.

“Check the children”

This is another popular urban legend. According to sources, this story dates to the 1960s. It features a teenage girl who’s babysitting some kids one night. She then receives a phone call from a creeper who asks her to check on the children.

Antonio Guillem / shutterstock

Freaked out, she subsequently dials 911, only to learn that the call originated from within the residence. The main plot of this story has been reproduced in films and series so many times. We are certain that you have probably come across one of them by now.

Don’t let these rock your world!

Escalante Petrified Forest State Park in Utah is a stunning location to explore. But make sure to leave the petrified rocks undisturbed. If you don’t, you will become the subject of a terrible curse! We wonder how many people adhere to these warnings and how many just ignore them to test the waters.

Larry Lindahl / outdoorphotographer

The forest is quite beautiful, with colorful wood and other amazing finds. So, the urge to bring a part of it with you is only natural. Maybe this myth was the park’s way of discouraging visitors from stealing. Petrified rock fragments and messages from visitors who took souvenirs are allegedly often sent to the site.

Pass this around, or else…

Chain letters are notes from a friend or family that threaten dire consequences for you if you fail to pass them on to others. These letters were given the moniker “peripatetic donation box” by the missionaries, which quickly gained prominence as a form of postal hat-passing.


For the purpose of raising cash for a monument for Spanish-American War troops, publications like the New York World produced donation forms. Many of these letters started as charitable options, but they quickly devolved into a means of scamming people.

The Mercy Brown incident

In 1892, the Mercy Brown vampire incident happened in Rhode Island, USA. It is among the finest examples of exhuming a body to conduct rites to drive away an evil embodiment. The event was a component of a bigger vampire scare in New England.

Cbarry123 – enwiki / wiki commons / public domain

The household of George and Mary Brown of Exeter, Rhode Island, experienced multiple occurrences of consumption (tuberculosis). But since people back then didn’t know that the deaths were actually the result of a contagious bacterial illness, it caused a massive vampire scare.

Char-med to meet you

There seem to be numerous tales of the Char-Man’s origin story. However, the majority of these focus on a guy who had been horribly scarred in a fire. He then went insane and afterward wandered out into the forest to torment others for the remainder of his days.


The mythology of the Char-Man, however, might have some truth in it, like several other myths we have covered. According to some law enforcement officers, this story could have been sparked by a severely disfigured guy who resided in the Ojai neighborhood.

Yosemite Sam’s cousin

Most mythological stories portray Walking Sam as a seven-foot tall, towering humanoid with eyes and no mouth. He also occasionally dons a stove-pipe hat and answers to several names (most notably “Tall Man” or “Stovepipe Hat Bigfoot”). Frankly, we don’t know who had the guts to call him and find out!

Jimmy Emerson, DVM / flickr

He then lifts his limbs, revealing his victims’ remains dangling underneath. When depressed teens hear him, he attempts to convince them of their unimportance in an attempt to make them kill themselves. It doesn’t help that suicide rates were reportedly high in the area a few years ago.

Pope lick monster

Many witnesses claim to have seen what is now commonly known as the Pope Lick Monster. This strange sighting is said to have been on the trestles that cross Pope Lick Creek. The creature is allegedly half human and half goat.


It’s said that anyone bold enough to go there might prefer the 100 feet plunge down to the main road than to remain in its company for even a minute! According to a different myth, the Goatman had been a farmer who exercised witchcraft.

A twist on ‘Knock knock, who’s there’

The legend of the infant girl of Knock Knock Road is indeed the spookiest urban legend throughout Michigan history. This myth centers around a rather harrowing case of child homicide and features a girl who was killed on a road in the area.

Lucent_Designs_dinoson20 / pixabay

Because of that, her ghost stalks motorists, tapping on their windows to find her killer. The legend first appeared around the ’40s, and according to sources, it started after a negligent driver struck a young girl as she was riding her bike.

Unwilling Spider Woman

For those who suffer from arachnophobia, you might be better off skipping this one. A young lady from Europe who was spending a holiday abroad was allegedly stung in the face by a spider whilst lying in the sun. She then ran home to get medical help.

Own work / wiki commons / CC BY-SA 4.0

After a while, the bite turned into a huge blister. When a doctor tried to remedy the situation, the blister burst open, and suddenly dozens of tiny spiders started shooting out from her cheek! The trauma of that situation drove the woman insane after that.

Stifle your sneeze, or else…

Samuel Chew was an ordinary man with an ordinary job. But his name was unusual. In the 1700s, he served as Delaware’s Chief Justice. Sadly, he endured constant abuse and mockery because of his unique name. Some people faked sneezing or munching on something when he passed.

Gorodenkoff / shutterstock

After he passed away, Mr. Chew began haunting the location. Well, you probably would, too, if the locals spent every day mocking and harassing you! According to multiple reports, the ghost tugged at men’s tailcoats and gave women the chills.


Miniwashitu is a terrible hairy creature. It is also known as the Water Monster and is said to roam the Missouri River in central North Dakota. This mystical animal is 7-8 feet tall, with thick bison-like skin, fur, and a solitary eye.


It also has one buffalo horn, elk-like feet, human hands, as well as a ragged and spiky vertebra akin to a Chupacabra’s. The humanoid creature is said to resemble West Virginia’s Sheepsquatch and is believed to still exist in the Missouri River.

Dudleytown blues

According to the legend, everyone who attempted to dwell in what was once Dudleytown met with dreadful calamity. Allegations ranging from homicides to supernatural sightings, as well as multiple inexplicable dramas, have been made by former residents over the years.


Early in the 1970s, The Warrens taped a Halloween special in Dudleytown and declared it to be “diabolically inhabited.” Ever since, it has allegedly experienced several unexplained occurrences, with visitors reporting seeing ghosts and spirits as well as feelings of fear and anxiety.


Kids who live in Staten Island know of this horrifying urban legend. The story is so famous that it inspired a film of the same name that was released in 2009. But before it was ever a big thing, “Cropsey” was the name given to the bogeyman.

H.L.I.T. / Flickr (CC)

But then, in the ’70s and ’80s, there were a number of unexplained child homicides. Staten Island authorities sought out to solve this mystery, and just like that, Cropsey became a real-life nightmare. He is now said to be the convicted serial abductor Andre Rand.

Keep to your lane

This remote route in Wisconsin is said to be named after a troop of boy scouts that perished there, based on a regional urban legend. They reportedly died when the vehicle carrying them crashed, according to one of the multiple versions of the story.

Transferred from en.wikipedia toCommons. / wiki commons / public domain

Another one claims the driver was responsible for the lads’ demise. Even darker is the ominous story that they all mysteriously vanished in the forest. Travelers allegedly describe seeing unsettling sights, including figures hanging in the woods and tiny palm prints.

It’s free real estate until it isn’t

According to this legend, you must investigate the land on which a home has been constructed before you decide to purchase it since those that are built on cemeteries are frequently cursed. Moreover, it is considered common decency by native Americans.

Lautaro Soto / shutterstock

Such burial sites happen to be sacred to whichever tribe lived on that land before. Additionally, the property could be built atop a civil war graveyard. The best thing to do in a scenario like this is to let them rest.